Chapter 7: Party

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5 Months Before The Snap

Since the Masquerade a hundred HYDRA agents along with their partners have all been arrested dropping the number of HYDRA agents on the list to less than 50. Getting closer and closer to putting a stop to HYDRA.

Bucky and you have been keeping distance from each other since the limo incident.

FLASHBACK: The Night Of The Masquerade

After dropping off the suitcase and fill out a report you and Bucky went to up to your guys floor to go to sleep, "The kiss meant nothing" keeping your eyes forward not looking at him "It was just to get you to shut up" keeping his eyes forward as well "Got you to shut up as well" flicking your eyes to him.

"Your the one who grinded on me" the elevator doors opening both of you walking out "You pulled me on your lap so my body is going to move like that" walking in front of him to go to your room as he went to his place "Believe what you want to believe"


Since the event HYDRA has gone back underground and its been almost two months since then. The team has been working hours on end to get any information on the remaining agents all coming back into a circle eventually giving up and checking periodically at the agents for any new activity.

Standing up on the counter looking for the dough hook for the mixer. "What are you doing?" a voice from below you "I am looking for the dough hook so I can make cookies" answering never looking down to see who is speaking to you.

Finding the hook turning to hop down seeing Bucky staring at you you staring back at him, staying in your crouched position to look at him "Do they always stare like that?" Loki questions holding a bag of flour "You get use to it" Sam says from the island watching the whole interaction. "Can you two knock it off, you two have been like this for almost 3 months"

Squinting your eyes more at each ignoring Sam comment. A puff of white powder covering both of their faces as Loki throws a handful of flour into both of your faces, spitting flour out of your mouth looking back Loki "Really?" wiping the flour off of you before hoping off the counter, "We need to start making these cookies, we are behind because someone wanted to sleep in" throwing a small amount of flour at you again. "Fine"

Using a rag to wipe the flour off your clothes tucking your hair away jumping into making the cookies.

You and Loki got a little crazy making 20 dozen cookies covering almost every square inch of the kitchen and dinning room. Tony was not overly thrilled and said that Loki and you needed to get rid of some of the cookies. You and Loki put two cookies in a small bag then went around all the floors handing them out to everyone they seen. Getting rid of 12 dozen cookies leaving 8 dozen for the team which were quickly eaten by the Super Soldiers and Thor.

"Since I'm bored and we haven't done it in awhile we are all going out and I mean all of you including you Barnes" pointing his finger at Barnes "Where are we going?" you chime in with your hands clasped happy to be going out and seeing New York. You haven't seen much due to working so this would be a great chance to see the city.

"There is a party downtown that we will be going to so dress nice"

"Like a dancing party or those boring ones where everyone seems to have a British accent and you pretend to love bland finger food" you raise your hand "Dancing, drink, singing, possibility of drugs and if you're into that kind of thing and if you do find it let me know personally" smiling at you "Oh thank god its going to be a fun party, well I'm going to shopping if anyone wants to join I'll be at the car in 10" happily skipping out of the room as a pair of icy blue eyes watch you.

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