Chapter 5: Masquerade Pt.1

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Its been pretty dead at the tower since you, Sam, and Bucky have gotten back from Canada. There has been no missions and not much hits on the other HYDRA members all of them going into hiding once the bust at the building in Brooklyn. 

The databases show about 140 members still unaccounted for all of with their hometowns being in other parts of the world. Making it harder to track them down with credit card usages having to get access from their government first before they can track. 

Nat, Clint, and Rhodey all went on a small cruise that was rumored to house HYDRA members coming back empty handed with only the information of the identify thieves who got a hold of those members information. 

Its been 2 weeks since Canada and Tony has called for a meeting, a black market auction happening in New York the coming weekend. A prestige event meaning black tie and masks hiding the face of everyone attending " So Y/N I don't know of any princess who hide their face but you are going to have too, also Steve and Sam have to sit this one out you two and becoming more and more popular each passing day meaning you will be easily recognized even with a mask." 

"Okay, so who's joining me?" you ask looking around only seen two robots and Clint. "I would say Clint, but that's him and his wife anniversary so then I would move onto to Vision, but as we know Vision stands out even in human form with his large vernacular which will make him stand out also with him being 6 foot 3, (190.5 cm) so that leaves us with" looking right at Bucky "Your going to send me on a mission with a man who they can control in 10 words" pointing your thumb at him while looking at Tony. 

Tony smiling then looking at Bruce who is sitting in his seat patiently waiting his turn "What about Bruce?" you question using both your hands to gesture to him "Do you want to dance with Bruce?" Tony asks tilting his head to the side. Leaning back in your seat "Continue..." Bruce now standing at the front of the room opening a small box "This is a earpiece Tony and I have been working on" holding the two ear pieces in the air for everyone to see.

"We have bee able to program it to have a 3 second delay, this means it will hear and understand what is being said before the person wearing them can hear giving us the opportunity to enhance it by muting out his code words" walking over to Bucky inserting them into each ear "Right now it is program to hear every word except for cake"

"What word?" Bucky questions not hearing the word,everyone chuckling looking a Bucky looking at everyone "Cake" you answer looking right at him "What" he leans forward trying to read your lips "Cake" you say slowly so he can read your lips "oh cake...why didn't I hear cake... so cake is the word I can't hear...that's cool, bad word to use as an example though cake is a great word" removing them from his ear giving it back t Bruce. 

"So we will program it so you can't hear your code words in Russian and English, we will also be making it look like a cochlear implant  so no one suspects you wearing an earpiece since these are frantically quite large compared to our earpieces we regularly use." holding up the ones everyone uses. 

"So Bucky and Y/N you will be attending the event this Saturday, not sure where the auction portion is taking place in the building but it will be there. Now you may all leave while Bruce and I finish up the earpiece" everyone leaves the room while you grab the small flyer Tony placed on the table. Looking over the flyer 

*Masks requires

*Black Tie

*No ball/ quinceanera style dresses

*No bow ties unless stated otherwise 

Walking out of the room to find Bucky, finding him in his room giving him the flyer "Ill be out shopping for a dress, once I get it Ill let you know the  color so you can match and Ill pick us up some masks as well" turning on your heel leaving the tower to go shopping. 

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