Chapter 11: Make a Move

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2 Weeks Before the Snap

The team has gone on countless missions over the past 4 months, a constant up hill battle with every agent. Your identity has been circling with all the HYDRA agents. Soon enough you were being spotted and caught causing fights to break out a lot sooner then anticipated. One fight broke out so quick with the sudden fist to your ribs and then a swift kick to your side fracturing two ribs putting you out of work for 5 weeks not being able to stand up straight for 5 weeks without constant pain.

Before, during, and after the fracture ribs Bucky doesn't treat you any different, there was still arguments along with back stabbing insulates. Bucky eventually was told to not help you or bring you anything to keep the constant bickering at bay.

Finally being able to stand up without pain you were back on your feet and walking around the compound after being pretty much bedridden for the past 5 weeks. Making your way to the team floor seeing everyone eating lunch since they went on a small stake out mission this morning. "Hey guys" catching all their attentions.

"Hey your up and walking!" Steve says as he walks over to you guiding you to the table to sit with everyone as Tony fixes you a plate. Taking the spot next to Steve which was usually Bucky spot, but he was at his therapy appointment so you happily took the spot instead of walking to the end of the table.

Glad to be back with everyone and not in the bed with everyone seeing your laundry pile up in the corner. "How was the mission this morning?" the whole team erupting in answers barely able to put two and two together hearing everyone get louder and louder trying to talk over one another.

"But it went good?" cutting everyone off trying to get a straight answers "Yes" everyone answers at the same time, "Good, good. Any new HYDRA agents we need to go after or are we taking a break?"

Tony speaking up to answer, "We are down to our last five but there has been no activity with them, no atm transaction, no purchases at any store even with cash, cameras have not been able to do find any matches so we are kind of stuck, we got a tip that the would be at an opening for some business, using it as a front. There was no one there I had F.R.I.D.A.Y. do facial scans of everyone including finger printing and nothing so we just have to keep waiting which will give you more time to heal as well."

Nodding your head in agreement, "Ya I have an appointment today to get an X-ray to see how I am healing."

"Perfect, I would have Bruce do it but him and Thor are on Asgard right now"

"And next week Nat, Bucky, Sam, and I will be in Wakanda" Steve says "Why are you going again?" you question "Bucky is getting a new arm and they have found a way to help him with the code words"

"So why do you all have to go?"

"We've never been and we want to go see" Nat answers at the end of the table "Got it, take pictures for me"

"Why don't you come then?" Sam speaking now walking in from the pantry with an apple taking a big bite. "I am flying out for my parents anniversary its their 20 year anniversary and I can't miss it since it was my idea to throw the party" all of the nodding in agreement.

"Great the menace is out of her room" Bucky voice filling the calm air, "And the semi stable 100 year old man child is still alive" rolling your eyes "Enough both of you, its only for a week and then you will see each other in a month"

"Maybe his serum will wear out and he will actually look and be a hundred year old man with one foot in the grave, that way I can push you down and break your hip. A blessing that would be" clasping your hands together shaking them looking up to the heavens. "Put her back in the room"

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