Chapter 13: Wedding Anniversary

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"Y/N!" Hearing your voice being called looking around seeing your mom running at you at full speed wrapping you in a big hug almost knocking you to the ground. "Hey mom" dropping your bags giving her a big hug watching your dad make his way to you.

"It's feels like it's been 10 years since we last held you" your moms voiced muffled in your sweater. "It's only been 7 months ma" pulling away holding your shoulders looking at you "oh I know but when it's your kid it feels so much longer." Moving so you and your dad could give each other a hug "hey sweetheart"

"Hey dad" giving a warm hug to him. "Do you have everything?" looking at your luggage "Yep!" beaming at him as the direct her out of the airport. 

Arriving at home missing the smell of your home, it always smelt like flowers and laundry detergent because your mom couldn't stand a half full laundry basket. Walking into your childhood bedroom seeing everything just as you left it including the dent in the wall were you fell when you were trying to push your box outside for the Stark worker to take to New York. 

Brushing your hand over the dresser your mom freshly dusted the curtains were pulled to one side with your blinds pulled all the way up letting in all the natural light, shining on every surface. Setting your luggage to the side opening them for easy access later tonight. "Hey lil sis" your brother comes barging into the room picking you up slamming you on the bed. Letting out a strained huff from the sudden movement your ribs still sore. "Easy dude I'm still healing" pushing him away, "Shit sorry forgot"

"Clearly" pushing yourself off the of the bed. "Are you ready for the party?" he asks "No, I haven't even seen the venue yet, I only seen pictures online and reviews and whatever the workers had to say about it I am going tomorrow to go and look at it, I hope it is in good condition" agreeing with you as you both walk to the kitchen finding your parents discussing where to take you for dinner, "We will just ask her then, Y/N where do you want to go for dinner?" your dad asking turning his attention away from your mom. 

"Is that taco vendor still there on Main Street, that is all I have been thinking about since I left?" crossing your fingers hoping they say yes, "Ya its still there"

"We need to go I have been dying for some good street tacos, New York doesn't have any good taco vendors, at least the ones I have ate from, but the hot dog vendors are phenomenal" dreaming of the hot dogs "That sounds great, we will go there for dinner" your dad answers, "Yay!" 

The Next Day

"Here is the room Ms. Y/L/N" opening the large french doors to the ballroom that you rented out for your parents wedding anniversary. Your eyes looking at all the imperfections, "I think we are in the wrong room" you joke hoping the lady made a mistakes, "Uh no ma'am room 4 is the one that you booked" pulling out her papers showing you the paper work. "Do you have another room because this is unacceptable, there are dirt marks all over the walls, the stage is missing panels on the bottom looking right under seeing all of the storage, the floors are all scratched up, there is a a set of hardwood floors that don't even match!" pointing at every little thing wrong with the rooms. 

"Its the normal wear and tear" trying to make it seem like its not a big deal, "I can see the floors and the dirty marks being wear and tear but different hardwood floors and the stage having literally missing panels to see the storage that is suppose to be hidden is not normal wear and tear and I'm not paying eleven hundred dollars for place shittier than a drug house"

"Ma'am this is not a drug house" retorting "No its not...its worse, I have been in many drug houses in my day and let me tell you the only dirty party of a drug house is the floor that an easily be sweeped or vacuumed or covered with a rug, you need to have all your workers or hire someone to fix this, this is bullshit and unacceptable. The photos you sent me do not match" 

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