Chapter 16: So Close

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Three Years Later

"Slow down...repeat it, I don't think I am hearing you right" you say as you pull over to the side of the road to give the team your attention. The team had called you talking at lighting speed barely being able to understand them. "Okay Y/N pay attention!" Scott yells through the phone, "Lower your voice we aren't on that level you can yell at me"

"Sorry, but Tony figured out time travel we can bring everyone back!" your heart stopping as they continue to speak about it, "Hold on we have to shrink down to the size of an ant?"

"Smaller than that, but we can bring them back we just need to get the stones before Thanos does and we can bring them all back and we can return back to normal."

"How do we know this is going to work" unbuckling getting yourself more comfortable "They already did test runs on me and it worked and we had Clint do it as well"

"Hold up when did Clint get back?"

"Hey Y/N" Clint voice comes through your cars speaker, "Hey"

"Steve came and found me I kind of went awol after my family were snapped away" nodding your head in a 'that makes sense' nod "Well nice to talk to you again after all these years,"

"Same to you"

"So you time traveled?"

"Ya, I went back to my house like 10 years ago and then I came back and I feel fine"

"That's good, so is that all because I am currently late for work?" buckling yourself back up "Yes and no, this is the big question" Tony voice now coming through the speaker "What?"

"Do you want to come and join us to get the stones?"your hands freezing on the wheel looking straight ahead at the road. "Y/N?" Bucky says seeing if you were still there after being quiet for so long "Uh, I-I'm not sure can I get back to you on it?"

"We want to get this done as soon as possible so make your decision quickly Y/N" Tony now speaking, "I'll have an answer by tomorrow morning, I got to go bye everyone" they all say bye as you hang up the phone still staring out to the road, "I could get my dad back" you whisper to yourself, "and my brother, and my cousins, and aunt and uncle, my grandparents...I could get them all back"

Sitting on the side of the road for another minute before pulling off an continuing your way to work.

Walking into your home trying to figure out if you are going to tell your mom or just say its a mission, "Hey honey, how was work?" as she flips over the grilled cheese, "It was good, I actually got a call from Tony, there is a mission they need me for, so I'm leaving in the morning"

"Sounds fun how long are you going to be gone?"

"Not sure I hope two to three days, because they aren't even sure how it is all going to go." putting the grilled cheese on the plate sliding it to you, looking down at the grilled cheese then up seeing the door from the garage opening and Marcus walks in, your heart dropping.

Your mom and Marcus recently got engaged, your soon to be step brother finally moved out 5 weeks ago leaving you with your mom and Marcus, you would leave but rent is outrageous and there is no point since you are constantly at work so you are only home to sleep. You tried to pay rent and help with bills but your mom declined saying it wasn't your job to, so you have been slipping cash in her purse at random trying to make up for it.

"Hey Y/N how was work" Marcus asks kissing your mom grabbing his plate from your mom hand "It was good, you two will have some time together since I am going back to New York"

"Okay, do you need me to drive you to the airport?"

"No I'm just going to take my car since it should only be two to three days" taking a bite of your grilled cheese. Watching your mom and Marcus be all loving with each other, he makes your mom happy. Every time he walks in her face would light it up with her million dollar smile, same goes for him, anytime she walks in he gets his deep wrinkles around his eyes and around his lips as he smiles.

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