Chapter 8: Hungover

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Waking up to the thudding of a heart beat underneath you, creaking your eyes open scanning the room without lifting your head. It was much darker lots of dark hues around the room, the blanket draped over you was a deep blue, the walls were grey along with a few pictures looking very old.

Blinking your eyes trying to adjust your view to see better. Feeling a stir from underneath you lifting your head up "Good morning" Bucky giving you a fake smile. Jumping up to your knees pulling the blanket up covering yourself. Your eyes scanning his smooth chest with a pair of dog tags laying over his heart, traveling down to his abs seeing the top of them. His blanket was pulled up just enough to not seeing anything past his naval.

Pulling the blanket off of you just enough to look to see you wearing your pajamas, "D-did we" pointing between you and Bucky. Pulling his arms up laying them under his head "No we did not" slowly nodding your head "Why am I in bed with you?"

"After the party Sam assisted you into your apartment and Wanda helped you change and then put you to bed. Then you snuck into my room three times, after the fourth time I just let you stay since it was point less."

"Got it...I'm going to go" pointing to the door slipping out from the covers. Entering your apartment going back to you bed, looking at the clock seeing it was only 7 in the morning. Crawling into bed letting the covers encase your warmth sending you back to sleep.

Mr. Barnes, and Ms. Y/L/N please come to conference 1. Mr. Stark would like to spea to you about an upcoming mission. -F.R.I.D.A.Y.

Rubbing your eyes removing the crust looking over at your phone tapping the screen to see the time of 2 pm. Jumping up from bed slipping on you slippers shuffling your feet to the conference room. Finding Bucky already there looking over the file. "Look who it is sleeping beauty, sit down look through the file briefly and we will start"

Flopping in the chair skimming through the notes and photos before turning your attention to Tony, "Since your last mission went so well I am sending you two on another mission. You two will be going to California. There is a beach party happening where HYDRA is supposedly going to be making an appearance. They will be coming from Japan in a submarine so you need to keep an eye on the ocean at all times"

Raising your hand stopping Tony from continuing "Yes Aurora" pointing his pen at you "Ya we got robo man over here with giant metal arm and you expect him to go to a beach party. Do you see where I'm going with this" looking at Bucky wiggling his metal fingers.

"Already got that figured out, Bruce and I have been able to create a Photostatic Veil that works on arms and it water proof, it is same thing Natasha used back in 2014 to kill Alexander. You need to thank Nat by the way Barnes if you haven't already" looking at Bucky who just rolls his eyes leaning back in his seat "so it is all planned out, you two will be leaving in 2 hours to California and the party is tonight and you will fly back tomorrow evening if everything goes as planned, if not you will stay for another day."

Both of you just nodding accepting the assignment. Taking your files to your rooms to pack for the flight.

Walking to the private jet putting your luggage away, sitting down on one of the couch. Bucky sat near the front. Both of you were quiet the entire flight only speaking to one another for how much long the flight is.

Arriving in Malibu, Bucky pulling up to the Malibu house. It was huge with a beautiful look at the mountains and ocean. The house is three stories, it has 7 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms. The house boasts a gym, movie room, a recording studio, hot tub, pool, sauna, and bar. "I call the biggest room" you say in a sing-song voice skipping up the steps searching the house for the biggest room.

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