Chapter 20: "No we haven't said it"

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1 month before the mission

Dragging yourself into the house after working a triple shift with a giant bust for child trafficking. Your mom and Marcus dancing around in the kitchen drunk off wine singing off key. Walking past them grabbing a water bottle from the fridge crawling away to your bedroom throwing your bags in the corner. Hearing the small ringing coming from your computer, looking over seeing a incoming call from Bucky. Clicking accept as you walk around your bedroom undressing.

"Hey doll" he smiles into the camera "Hi Buck" yawning with it "Long shift?"

"Triple shift actually almost had me work another until the realized how long I had been there, finally let me leave 3 hours ago but then I got stuck in traffic so I should've been how an hour and half ago"

"Oh I'm sorry, what was this one about"

"Child sex trafficking, it wasn't a big ring but it should open more doors to other ones around here and other states." Slipping a giant hoodie on since it was below 40 "That's good helping more kids and adults"

"Ya, I'm sorry babe I would talk but the moment I touch this bed I'm going to knock out"

"That's fine I can just watch you sleep"

"Peeping Tom" leaning on the desk looking at his face "Maybe a little"


"Ya, goodnight Doll"

"Goodnight babe" sending him a kiss as he sends one back hanging up the call. Turning around slamming yourself on the bed pulling the blanket up and over you body. Hearing two dings coming from your phone. Groaning reaching for your phone pulling it under the covers seeing Tony messaging you 'God what does he want?' opening your phone seeing his messages

Hey Sleeping Beauty you missed your flight
everything okay?

Throwing the blankets off of you looking at the date and time "SHIT!" forgetting Tony asked for you to come for a mission 3 days ago. Popping out of bed grabbing random clothes and your spare toiletry bag throwing it in your bag grabbing your car keys slipping on some shoes. Slamming the door open almost face planting after tripping on your shoe laces.

"Honey whats wrong?" you mom seeing you rushing "I forgot I'm suppose to be on a flight to New York right now" grabbing your purse running out the front door not even saying bye. Throwing everything into your car turning your car on flying to the airport. Grabbing your phone calling Tony.

"Hey kid you alright?"

"Tony I am so sorry I totally forgot is there any flight you can get me on I am on my way to the airport right now!"

"Uh ya let me see what I can do..." the line goes quiet for a few minutes as you go 90 on the freeway "How long till you get to the airport?"

"30-40 minutes"

"Okay there is a flight leaving in an hour I will let the airport know and they will have you escorted"

"Thanks Tony, again so sorry"

"Its no problem call me if you need help."


Flying into the parking lot climbing all the levels finding a parking spot. Grabbing all your stuff running to the elevator tapping your feet looking at your phone seeing you need to be on the plane in less than 10 minutes.

Running into the airport seeing a man standing next to a cart "Are you Ms. Y/L/N"

"Yes yes I am" completely out of breath "Come with me hop on" directing you to the passenger seat driving you pass TSA to a private entrance where three people cam with scanners checking your body and your bags then letting you go.

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