Asmodeus x fem!reader

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Requested by @undynegirl386

•──────⋅☾ ☼ ☽⋅──────•

Y/n were breathing heavily as she laid in bed, trying to calm her heart down. She looked to her side to see Asmodeus also known as Ozzie sit up on the bed edge and lit a cigarette as he put on his pants... "O-Ozzie?" He hummed in response and looked at her, "You're leaving so soon?"

"Yeah, I have some shit to deal with,"

"Oh... but I thought we could-"

"You know me Y/n, I'm not into cuddling," he said and Y/n looked down. "Oh... right,"

"Have you seen my shirt?"

"By the door..." Y/n said and laid back down as she watched him put on his shirt and leave.
It has always been like this ever since they became friend and made a deal with each other.

Y/n sighed while sitting up and lit a cigarette as she thought back of the time they made their deal.

Y/n and Asmodeus have been friends for about 10 years and have been roommates for about 3 now and Y/n were currently walking up to the door and slowly opened the door. Her head was down so her hair were covering her eyes. She closed the door behind her and took off her shoes. That's when Ozzie walked passed the hallway and noticed her. "Ah, Y/n baby, how did your sappy love date go?" Y/n clenched her hands and Ozzie noticed her state.

He walked over to her and went to grab her face gently to make her look up at him. But she shoved his hand away. "I-I just wanna be alone, Asmodeus... I just... don't wanna talk about it," She said and walked passed him and towards her room. Asmodeus tilted his head and followed her. When she turned to walk into her room, he stopped her by holding a hand in front of her. "Asmodeus I told you I-"

"So t give me that, Y/n. Something is up and you know you can't hide it from me,"

Y/n sighed and looked at him, "Fine. He stood me up. He never came to the date. I sat there for hours alone. The waitress felt even so bad for me that she gave me a whole box of ice cream for free. Do you know how bad I felt? This is the third time he stood me up this month. He never texts me, he never calls me, he never kisses me, he never touches me, I've been without sex and affection for about 7 months now and I just can't stand it anymore..." Y/n wiped away her tears and looked away.

"I think he's tied of me and are seeing someone else..." Ozzie sighed and held her face to make her look at him. "Then why don't we have some fun?"


"You said you can't take it anymore to be without sex. You're lacking of lust, and Y/n dear, you're talking to the king of lust~ So why don't we make a deal? I provide you the sex you wish for and you my dear can work for me at Ozzie's,"

"What do I have to work as?"

"Just a stage performer, you can sing, you can dance. You just need to entertain our costumers," Y/n looked down in thought when she then looked back up at him and nodded. "Deal," Asmodeus smirked and leaned closer to her face. "Then let's get to business baby,"
Flashback end


Ever since their first meeting, Y/n couldn't lie to herself that's eh loved Asmodeus and dated other guys to just try and forget about him but... it never worked so when he asked her for a deal to have sex with him, she was too blind to see that she was only used as a toy.

Y/n groaned as she were on her way to work. She were gonna perform a song tonight and was hoping the audience wouldn't think it's bad of it's lyric.

Y/n walked backstage to see Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, Y/n sighed and walked over and took a seat by her desk to start her makeup.
Fizzarolli snaked an arm around her shoulders and smirked at her through the mirror. "What do you want, Fizz?" Y/n asked

"Oh nothing, just heard what exciting activity you and Ozzie did-" Y/n lift a fisted hand and hit his face, causing him to fall back to the floor.

"Oh Y/n baby, don't be so rough on him," Ozzie said and Y/n looked at him through the mirror. She looked away and stood up, "I don't appreciate that you tell that Imp about our... activity,"

"Oh come on, Y/n. It's just some shameful lust activity, don't be so shy about it,"

Y/n sighed, "Right..." and with that, she walked on stage.

She fixed the microphone as she glanced over at the audience. All couples that had visited the night were most Imps and succubus. But one couple caught her attention... an Imp and a prince. Y/n smiled slightly at the couple and stood back up and held the microphone close to her mouth.

She glanced back at Asmodeus and took a deep breath before she started to sing.

The surprisingly audience applauded and Y/n smiled but it faded when Fizzarolli walked on stage and wrapped an arm around her shoulders again. "Why that was quite a performance, tell us Y/n, what made you make this song?" Fizzarolli asked and held his microphone to her face. Y/n sighed and moved the microphone away from her mouth.

"Just something I put together the last minute," she said and turned to walk backstage when she stopped herself and glared at Fizzarolli. "My private life stays private," she growled and turned backstage to just bump into someone. She looked up with a frown to see it was Ozzie. Her frown faded and she just looked away as she walked passed him. "What the fuck was that?"

"What was what?"

"That song,"

"What's the problem? The audience liked it,"

"That's not what I'm talking about Y/n, what did you mean by Is it love it lust? Didn't we have a deal it was just to have lustful fun...?" Y/n looked away, not saying anything.

Ozzie walked up to her and grabbed her face to make her look at him. "Y/n, is there something you wanna tell me?"

"I... I can't... You would hate me..."

"No, never-"

"I love you, Asmodeus..." Ozzie stared at her, unable to form words. "I-"

"And I know... that, you hate love, you're the Lord of Lust, and I'm... just a plaything to you..." Y/n whispered and looked down as she felt her eyes water.

Ozzie stared at her, not believing his ears.
He thought back on the times she laid in bed, her eyes always showed a passion and desperate for affection and cuddle. How could he be so blind...

"Y/n..." he said and Y/n closed her eyes and looked away. Ozzie wiped her tears away and moved closer to her lips... he hesitated a little before move in closer and their lips meet.
Y/n's eyes shoot open in shock and Asmodeus parted his lips from hers.

He huffed with a smile and looked at her, "So it's true... behind lust is love,"

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now