Blitzø x drunk fem!reader

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Requested by @K1h0a_The_B1tch

A/N: Short chapter (470 words)

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"Where can they be? It's late," Blitzø mumbled as he tried to call his girlfriend once more.

He have tried to get a hold on Loona and Y/n for quite some time now, they went on a girls night together with Millie and it was nearly 01:30 am.

He stood up from the couch to no luck of reaching her.
That's when he heard a knock coming from the front door, "Hey Blitzø, need a little help here!"

It was Loona. Blitzø sprinted over and opene the door to see Loona holding a drunk Y/n in her arms. "What happened?"

"Millie and Y/n saw all the drinks at the bar that was nearby so they started to drink, so did I,"

"Then how come you're not as drunk?"

"I'm a heavy drinker, they're not, that's for sure... Anyways, here, take her," Loona said and shoved Y/n into his arms.

"Blitzy~ I missed you," Blitzø sighed as he could smell the alcohol that recked all over his girlfriend. "Y/n, I've missed you too, but how much did you drink?"

"Um... 2? No, no, 6-Um... I don't remember," she said and snickered drunkly.

Blitzø sighed and turned to look at Loona but she had already gone into her room and probably to sleep. "Alright, N/n (nickname), let's get you to bed,"

"Mm, can we cuddle, Blity~? Or do you preffer the some more adult stuff~?" Y/n asked as she held his cheek and moved forward to kiss him, but Blitzø stopped her by throughing her on the bed.

"We'll cuddle, you're drunk as fuck Y/n, there's no way we're having sex tonight," he said and laid down beside her on the bed.

Y/n giggled and hugged him close while she nuzzled herself into his chest. "I love you, Blitzy," "Yeah yeah, I love you too, but stop calling me that shitty nickname,"

"But whyy~ Stolas can call you that but your girlfriend can't?"

"He's a Prince, Y/n. I can't really talk back to him about it," Y/n pouted and moved away from him, "Sometimes I think you really love him and not me,"

"What are you saying?" Blitzø laughed and dragged her back into his arms, her back against his chest.

"You're the woman of my dreams, baby. I'm just having an affair with him, we need the book to do our work," he said and kissed her neck. Y/n's pout faded and she smiled.

The alcohol talking once again, "You're an asssholr sometimes... but I love you, Blitzy~" Blitzø sighed at the name once more, but chuckled and kissed the top of her head, "I love you too, Y/n. Now get some sleep my drunk little woman,"

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