Millie x hellhound fem!reader

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Requested by @MateoMaldonadoPaz

•──────⋅☾ ☼ ☽⋅──────•

Y/n leaned against the fence as she played the guitar. Her eyes were closed as her adoptive mother who was an imp danced with her husband.

Y/n, who was a Hellhound smiled big when she noticed imps around them starting to join her adoptive parents at the field.

Wrath was a tough yet beautiful place.
Y/n loved these rare moments when families who're rivals joined together in the magic of dance and music.

Y/n glanced up at the people before her and looked back down at her guitar, only to snap up again as she saw one of the imps.

She were quite short with a long tail, her black hair swayed together her dance movements.
Her yellow sclerae and black pupils met Y/n's e/c eyes.

"Beautiful," Y/n said nonchalantly but quickly blushed and looked away from the imp who smiled at her.

Y/n quickly tried her best to keep her focus on her guitar as the song came to its end.

Everyone applauded and Y/n bowed at them.
Y/n's parents walked over with big smiles, they were about to speak when they noticed their daughter stare at the distance.

The two looked over to see one of their friend's daughter smile and wave over at Y/n who nervously waved.

Y/n's father smirked and gently hit her back, causing Y/n to look down at them and they gave a thumbs up each at her.

Y/n blushed and rolled her eyes as she walked over to the imp. "Hi..." Y/n began.

"Hi..." the other girl said and Y/n rubbed the back of her neck.
"I'm Y/n," she held out her hand, "I'm Mildred, but please, call me Millie," she said and Y/n smiled. "I love your music,"

"Th-Thank you, I've been working on a new song,"

Millie smiled, "I would love to hear it when it's done," Y/n smiled when they heard someone call for Millie.

"Looks like I need to go. Can I... see you again tomorrow? I would love to get to know you better!"

"O-Of course!" Y/n said and Millie chuckled as she noticed the hellhound's tail sway left to right in a quick motion.

Millie waved at the Hellhound as she left.

Y/n quickly realized and grabbed her tail with one hand while waving "goodbye" too the female imp.

'Stupid... stupid tail...'

☾ ☼ ☽

It didn't take long for the two teens to realized that they wanted to spend their lives with each other.

Months turned to years and Y/n moved to the Pride ring to continue her music and while Millie thought she was gonna be left alone, Y/n was worried the imp wouldn't want to come with her and leave Wrath.

But when the question was thrown out there. Millie instantly said yes and the two moved away to start a life together.

And here they were today.
Millie left the building with her friends, Blitzø and Moxxie.

Y/n and Moxxie met through their music and Moxxie met Millie through Y/n. That's how Millie found a job at I.M.P. while Y/n still worked on her music.

"So, we ready for tonight?" Blitzø asked and Millie looked up at him. "Actually, I got a date with Y/n tonight," she said and right on cue, a motorcycle drove up and the Hellhound on it removed her helmet and smiled at Millie who ran up and hugged her around the neck.

"Hi, love!"

"Hi, babe," Y/n said as Millie kissed her cheek and Y/n handed her a smaller helmet. "Sup, Mox,"

"Hi, Y/n," he greeted.

"Blitzø, how's Loona?"

"Oh she's doing fine! Thanks for last time by the way,"

"Ah! What Hellhound would I be if I didn't help my own, right?" She asked and turned to look at Millie.

"You ready, babe?"

The imp nodded and held onto Y/n as she started the motorcycle again. "See you guys around! Still up to go out next weekend?"

"You know it!" Blitzø said and Y/n smiled "Bye, boys!" Millie called and Y/n drove off, not before glancing over at Moxxie who stared at her girlfriend with an almost melted and adoring face.

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n were staring down at her drink, "-/n... Y/n?"

The said woman looked up to the other side of the table where the worried Millie sat, "Are you okay, baby?"

Y/n smiled, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just a little... tired,"

"Your students giving you hard time again?"

Y/n sighed. Right, Y/n were a private music teacher to the side of doing her own music.

"Yeah, I guess. But-" she stopped, this was a date. She shouldn't complain about stuff that's not important. Her attention should be on her lover...

Y/n smiled while laying her hand down on the table. Millie placed her hand in hers and Y/n looked into her eyes, the eyes she fell so in love with.

Y/n reached in her pocket with her free hand and held on tightly to the object. "I love you," she whispered. Millie smiled,"I love you, too,"

"Enough of me. How was work today?" Y/n asked and Millie snickered before telling her about this mob family they were hired to kill.

Y/n smiled and listened to Millie's every word, loving how passionately she spoke about her job.

☾ ☼ ☽

"You're so pretty..." Y/n whispered as she held the imp in her arms as they were by a nearby park from the restaurant.

Millie smiled and the two shared a passionate kiss. While holding Millie with one arm, Y/n reached down into her pocket again and took out the small object.

The two parted, "Mildred, Millie, honey, babe," Y/n spoke and the two chuckled as Y/n walked over to a bench. "I love you very... very much... and without your courage, I don't think I would've been here today, doing what I love. You pushed me to reach my dream, and I hope to do the same for you..."

Y/n put Millie down on the bench and kneeled down before her. "And to do so... I would like to stay by your side... If you'd let me," Y/n held up the box and opened it to reveal a ring, "So... Mildred... would you like to marry me?"

Millie smiled big and hugged Y/n's neck, "Is that a... yes?" Y/n smirked and Millie parted from the hug.

"Yes!" She yelled and Y/n smiled as the two shared another passionate kiss.
But the two parted when they heard someone cheering and popping up from a bush.

"Blitzø?" Y/n asked and couldn't help but to laugh when he tripped to the ground with his foot stuck in the bush.

"Nice work, sir,"

"Don't mock me Moxxie!" Blitzø yelled as Y/n walked over and helped him up. "What are you two doing here? And... In a bush?"

"Blitzø here thought it would be a fun and good idea to follow you guys since he knew about the proposal. By the way, um... congratulations... to the both of you," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck while looking away.

Y/n noticed this was hard for him to take that a woman he liked. Were to marry another person. "Thanks, Mox!"

"Alright Mills, show me," Blitzø walked over to Millie to occupy her for a moment.

Meanwhile, Y/n backed up to stand by Moxxie, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm-I'm fine,"

"You can't lie to me Mox," She glanced at him and he looked away, embraced.
"There are plenty of fishes in the sea. Sure, some of most of 'em may be assholes, but I'm sure there's someone out there for you,"

Moxxie smiled, "Yeah... thanks Y/n,"

"Anytime, Mox,"

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now