Striker x male!reader

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Requested by @b3nn3ttf4g

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"Yo, Striker! Where are you man?" Y/n yelled as he stepped into the old tunnel.

Y/n groaned when the only demonic he saw was the statue of his partner.
"Ugh, I get nauseous just looking at it..." Y/n growled as he put the cooked food on the table.

He walked over to the radio and turned on a channel, smiling when a song he liked played.

He turned around only to get his foot stuck under a rock and he tripped.

Y/n groaned when he reached the ground and he heard chuckling, signaling that the man he was looking for were finally back.

Y/n turned so he laid on his back as Striker approached him stood over him, "You know you're supposed to use both of your feet to stand,"

"Ha, ha, very funny," Y/n growled and watched as Striker got down and held a hand on the ground, beside his head.

"Though, I like the sight of you under me," he growled with his tail swaying back and forth as it let out a rattling sound.

Y/n smirked and pushed Striker off of him and turned the tables, holding a hand on his chest, "Now who's the bottom?" He joked.

Striker rolled his eyes and grabbed the other man's hips. Y/n chuckled and leaned down to kiss his partner when the sudden sound of small imps singing interrupted their moment.

"Shut the fuck up! I've told you to leave us alone!" Striker yelled and the imps silently left.

Y/n sighed and stood up and walked over to the table. "I was here to give you lunch... I know you haven't been eating as you should,"

Striker stood up and walked over. He leaned with one hand on the table as he watched Y/n take out the food from the plastic bag.

"It's not much... but... it's what I could get with what was left of my pay..." he said only to feel arms wrap around him from behind.

"Thank you..." Striker mumbled against his neck and Y/n reached to grab his hat and put it on his own head. "It's the least I can do... after all... you saved me all those years back, remember?"

Y/n ran, his legs were weak as bruises covered them. He panted hard while holding his side.

He glanced back to see the demons following him. They were furious, yelling after the what was a seventeen year old boy who they had bought from a a black market.

Y/n felt his legs give up and collapsed on the ground but that didn't stop him from trying to crawl away.

Only for the men to catch up to him. One of them caught him and straddled him to the ground. Y/n struggled against the man but the two just laughed, "You think you can run away from us? We're your masters, you should have some respect and don't underestimate us—" The man got interrupted when a gunshot was heard and the man's cheek started to bleed at a cut.

The two men and the teen looked over to where the bullet came from and saw a boy, he seemed to be in Y/n's age.

His gun were still pointed at the men who now stared at him angrily and the two toon out their guns as well, but before they could shoot, the stranger beat them to it.

One of the men fell over Y/n and he quickly pushed the now dead body away from him and backed up a little from the two.

The stranger slowly walked over and crouched down to his level. Y/n looked at him and watched as the boy took off his jacket and wrapped it around him.

"What's your name?" His thick accent send Y/n into a spin of fantasies and his heart beat fast, "Y/n..." he said carefully and the stranger held out his hand, "Striker... nice to meet ya,"
Flashback end

"I promise you... I will get the money... and I will treat you only with the finest,"

Y/n smiled and closed his eyes as he leaned back against Striker, "I don't need the finest things, I'm happy... as long as you're by my side," He said and Striker chuckled, "Cheesy ass,"

Y/n snickered and playfully hit Striker's shoulder, "Eat the food, I have to leave for work,"

Striker nodded and put his forehead against Y/n's forehead. "Love you, Striker,"

Striker wasn't a man of sappy words like "I love you," he would prefer actions instead of words.

He rolled his eyes as he looked at his partner, "Love you, too,"

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now