Blitzø x Verosika twin!reader

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Requested by @TimaPurple

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Blitzø we're lying on his couch, he just arrived home from a horrible date at the House of Asmodeus, he were currently looking through his phone when he got across a picture of him and Verosika's twin sister, Y/n.

She were nothing like Verosika. Y/n were kind and wouldn't dare to stand on a stage and sing like her sister.
At the time he dated Verosika, they were best friends... friends huh... Blitzø had to admit it at some point to her... and himself for that matter... He likes Y/n Mayday.

Blitzø went to his contacts and looked through it to find her name... he pressed the call button and held it to his ear.

Meanwhile, Y/n were just about to hop into the shower when she heard her phone call from the bedroom. She sighed and grabbed a robe as she walked out of the bathroom and went to grab her phone.

She looked at the name and almost chocked on her own spit to see Blitzø calling her.
She answered and held it to her ear. "Hello?"

"Hi Y/n, been awhile,"

"Yeah... it really has... how are you?"

"I... I actually don't know..." he whispered and Y/n sat down on the bed. "Have something happened?"

"Just a shitty time at the Lust ring,"

"Oh... Um... I heard Verosika were at Ozzie's today..."

"Yeah, I meet her," Y/n fiddled with the hem of the robe. "So you were at Ozzie's? Who did you go with?"

"Can we please... talk about something else?" He asked and Y/n understood something might have had happened there.

"Yes of course... How is Loona? It's been so long I've seen her,"

"She's doing good, she's at a party at the moment so she's not available to talk too," he said and chuckled slightly. Y/n smiled to hear his laugh, "I've missed your laugh, Blitzø... I missed you,"

Blitzø we're shocked by her words and Y/n blushed hard when she realized what she said. "Ah! F-Forget what I said! I meant that your laugh is cute- NO, i mean-" Blitzø burst into laughter at her flustered state, "If I didn't know better, Y/n. I would say you like me," Blitzø teased, his mood had lightened up a bit all thanks to Y/n's flustered and nervous personality.

"I-I... *sigh* Blitzø?"


"I do... I do like you,"

"Are you that shy and confessed to me through a call?"

"Shut up! I was about to take a shower when you called! I can't just come over with just a robe on me!"

"And why not? I bet you look sexy in just a robe," Y/n growled as she blushed even more.
"That's it! I'm not letting you tease me any longer! I'm coming over and show you I'm not shy!" She said and hanged up.

Blitzø chuckled and laid his phone on the coffee table. He turned to look up at the roof and smirked as he got an thought in his head of Y/n stand by the door, trying to confess her love to him.
He huffed , 'Cute...'

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n knocked on the front door as she held the hem of her shirt with her other hand.
She were so nervous when the door opened and revealed Blitzø standing there with red eyes. "Blitzø..." she whispered and slowly reached her hand to his cheek and wipe away old tears that were still there.

Blitzø smiled and leaned against her touch as he held it in his.

Y/n blushed as he dragged her inside and closed the door behind them. "Blitzø, I-" Y/n got interrupted by Blitzø press his lips against her lips. Y/n's eyes widened but she quickly melted into the kiss and returned it.

She caressed his cheeks and he held her waist as they parted and looked into each other's eyes. "I love you, Blitzø," The man smiled and nuzzled against the crook of her neck, "I love you too, Y/n,"

"Since when?" "Since I meet you," Y/n's eyes widened and she pushed away from the hug with him. "Blitzø, that was in the beginning of yours and my sister's relationship. If you loved me then why did you stay with someone you didn't?"

"I thought you just liked me as a friend,"

"Are you crazy? I showed so many signs that I loved you that even my own sister told me to stay away from you... You're everything to me, Blitzø... you always have been," Y/n said as tears formed in her eyes.

Blitzø watched her sniffle and sob a little before he smiled and hugged her close to his chest. "Then I guess we both have been blind this whole time," he said and Y/n looked at him. He leaned down and kissed her lips once more and this time, she didn't waist time in returning it.

☾ ☼ ☽

Some time after Y/n and Blitzø confessed their love, Verosika stayed completely away from both of them and never even looked their way again.

Stolas and Blitzø cut ties and the affair were over. Blitzø could borrow the book but no ties attached... Blitzø could finally live without anything getting in between him and the one he truly love...

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now