Loona x fem cat demon!reader

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Requested by @TimaPurple

A/N: Short chapter (452 words)

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"Oh Loona~" Y/n said in a sing song voice as the hellhound growled in annoyance.
"I love nya, beautiful,"

Y/n is a very open hearted cat demon, she's also always open with her feelings towards Loona but just because of that, Loona think of her compliments and love confessions as a joke. She never saw Y/n to be that kind of person and be so serious.

Days have gone by since Y/n started to open up her feelings with Loona and as everyday passed, Loona got more and more bothered by her.

Until one day... this very day... she snapped.
"Y/n! Can you once stop go after me like a lost kitty and stop bothering me with those lazy, half ass confessions! Nobody will ever love you if you're like this!" Y/n stared at Loona in pure shock and so did the other employees.

Y/n's ears dropped so the leaned against her head. "Oh, I...I'm sorry, Loona..." she whispered and walked out of the headquarters to be alone.

"Loona," Millie said in a serious tone and Loona snapped a "What!?" At her but her angry and pissed look turned into a confused one when she saw her serious look.

"Y/n where's playing any jokes... she were serious,"


"She may seem to be joking about how she feel about you but it's all true, all the words she ever told you till now, it's all true,"

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n were at home, sitting on the couch, hugging a pillow while watching television when a knock came from the front door. "Y/n?" The cat demon only looked towards the door and took a minute before she walked over and opened it just so slightly, "Hi, Loona... have I done something wrong again?"

"Y/n, I-Im sorry for what I said it's just-"

"No, it's alright... I know that nobody will ever love me, you made my eyes clear-" "No! I didn't make them clear, they're foggy because I love you!" "What?" "I thought you were joking when you flirted or complimented me so I never believed in that what you said was real, I didn't know your feelings were real... and I'm sorry for saying things like-" Loona stopped herself when she felt Y/n hug her.

The hellhound looked down at the cat demon and smiled slightly as she hugged back, "I love you, Loona," Y/n whispered and nuzzled her face in the crook of Loona's neck. Loona closed her eyes and smiled bigger as she responded with a...

"I love you too, Y/n. Remember that I'll never stop loving you,"

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now