Vox x fox!reader

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Requested by @ChaoticLoser28

A/N: College AU

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"How?" Y/n sighed and looked away from her friend and upperclassman and boyfriend, Vox.
"Y/n... how?"

"I don't know!" Y/n yelled and Vox groaned in annoyance as he looked at the paper.
Y/n had just got her test back with a 22% correct.

"You've been doing so good when we study together, what excuse do you got this time?" Vox asked and laid the paper on her desk.

"She surely got distracted of her dirty thoughts~" Valentino teased and Y/n blushed as she glared at him. "Shut up, Val, I'm not you," she said and stood up from her seat and turned to Velvet.

"Let's go and get some coffee," Y/n said and Velvet rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I can't today,"

"Hm? What, you got a date or something?" Velvet giggled nervously and Y/n's eyes widened, "What, really? Who is it?" Y/n asked and Velvet put a finger to her own lips and winked. "It's a secret," she said and ran off.

"Hm, seems like your best friend turned on you, Y/n," the girl glared at the moth man standing behind her. "You have 3 second to leave me alone, Val," "Or what?" "Or I tell the headmaster that you had sex with one of the newbies in a public bathroom," Valentino clicked his tongue and mumbled a "stupid bitch," as he went out of the classroom.

Leaving Y/n and Vox.
The girl sighed and leaned her head against Vox's chest, his strict look turned into a sweet one as he smiled and hugged her close. "You seems stressed, baby," "Well with Valentinos in my life, then yes. Of course it's stressful," "You know, just because he's my friend doesn't mean you have to deal with him. You can just try and ignore him," "Oh no, we both know what happened the first time you gave me that so- called good advise. He wouldn't stop bugging me until I talked to him,"

Vox chuckled and kissed her forehead, "You're right my sly yet stupid fox,"

"Hey!" Y/n complained and the television demon laughed at his girlfriend.


"Black coffee... make it strong," "Wow, Y/n, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just very fucking tired after getting my test back, Valentino being his normal self, and my professor bugging me about a bad performance on the latest assignment," "Geez, can't they give you a break sometime? You work harder than any one else I know, and I know everyone," Y/n giggled at her friend as she served her coffee. "Here, it's on the house tonight,"

"Really? I was gonna pay this time, but thanks,"

"You never have money..." the girl then noticed Y/n's smirk and sighed. "You took Vox's card, didn't you?"

Y/n giggled and held it up, "Busted,"


"Y/n? Have you seen my card?" Y/n tossed it quickly to his desk and pointed the way where it landed. "It's on your desk, silly,"

"What? But I looked there like a hundred of times," he said and walked over and picked it up in his hand. "Well seems like you need glasses, Voxy," Y/n joked and looked back at her book.

Vox raised an eyebrow and looked at the card, scanning it with his eye to notice her fingerprints on it. "Oh really now? Then would you be a dear and explain why your finger prints are all over it?" Y/n froze and looked back at him with a slight giggle. "Busted?"

"Busted, Y/n, you know what we have been talking about, you need to stop pick pocket on people," he said and hugged her from behind.

"I know, but it's in my blood, I'm Fox, Vox. My grandparents where thief's, my parents were thief's and my older brother is one as well, I'm the only one in my family that goes to college,"

Vox sighed and kissed her cheek. "I know, baby. But just promise me you will take it more serious from now on, no more pickpocketing," he said and Y/n smiled as she leaned back to lay her head on his shoulder. "I promise, Voxy,"

Vox smiled and kissed the top of her head, "Good fox~"

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now