Asmodeus + best friend!reader

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Requested by @KnightBt

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"Her room is just down this hall... we usually don't get involved in her private affairs as servants, but she absence and it's starting to affect the others..." Asmodeus looked down at the Imp servant as he stood at the top of the stairs in his best friend, Y/n's home.

"I understand... but can't you all give her some more time?"

The maid looked at him, "Mr. Asmodeus, it's already been a week since lady Y/n suddenly stopped go to work and even come out of her room. Could you please go check up on her?"

Asmodeus sighed and began to walk down the hall towards his friend's room.
When he arrived by the door, he knocked, "Y/n... it's Asmodeus... can you let me in?" He said and knocked once more when the door opened by itself.

Asmodeus blinked and stepped inside, "Y/n..." he said and a flashback of her turning around from Fizzarolli and look at him with a smile appeared in his head.
He remembered the happy glee she had on her face "Ah! Hi Asmodeus!" Echoed her voice in his mind...

But now...

She's not smiling... she's not even looking up at him as she laid there in bed, blankets covering her body and hair covering her face.

"...why are you here?"

"Your servants called me and-"

"If you're here to ask me to come back to work, you came here for nothing," Asmodeus oooed down at her, "I'm sorry to bother you in a moment of grief... but it's been awhile since you last came to the club..."

"I quit... What's the point of singing and performing... when he's not here to see it anymore? My dreams was stupid anyways," Asmodeus sighed, "I really was a fool wasn't I? Working so hard, spending sleepless nights to build a dream for friends that have probably already forgotten me... I just thought... I could bring back what we had before but now... I'm sorry I waisted your precious time with my stupid delusions, Asmodeus... I promise I won't trouble you anymore..."

"..." Asmodeus just stared at her, hands clenched in fists.
" can leave now. Y/n continued and Asmodeus let out a small and quiet sigh.

"... I see. Your goal as a performer was to reunite with your friends, which has now become impossible... as an performer myself feel like I can understand how you feel... But! Could you please... reconsider your choice?" Y/n hugged her pillow tighter.

"I know your loss is terrible, it hurts for me too... but you can still create that dream of yours... you have the talent and determination to make it happen!"

"...what is the point if my friend is dead?"

"Y/n please, you still have friends here, friends who care so much a bout got well-being and dreams... i know Fizzarolli would keep saying the stage would feel wrong without you if he were here,"

Y/n turned from the microphone to smile over at Asmodeus and Fizzarolli.
Flashback end

"Stolas and Blitzo... they come to Ozzie's everyday to ask if you're okay,"

"I promise... this will be the last time I screw it up! I promise, just, five more minutes practice!"
Flashback end

"S/n (Sister's name) keeps asking me... when her big sister will come back..."

"I haven't been out in a while... thank you for taking me here, Asmodeus,"
Flashback end

"Even I... Even Lucifer... Even him..."

Y/n were standing on stage, holding a hand over her mouth as she were staring in frightening at a man standing in the middle of the room... it was her father.
Flashback end

"Please Y/n... Stay with us..." Asmodeus said and sat himself on his knees beside the bed as he held a hand on top of her head as he closed his eyes.

He felt her move, "Asm...ode-Asmo...deus... Asmodeus," he opened his eyes to see his best friend crying while facing him.

"Hey, hey! It's okay, Y/n, I'm here," Asmodeus petted her head which made Y/n cry harder. "Please A-Asmodeus... I'm begging y-you! Don't leave m-me! D-Don't leave me like Fizz did!" Asmodeus grabbed her hand and held it to his cheek. "I won't... I promise... I won't leave you, you hear me?" He said and Y/n hugged him.

Asmodeus hugged her back and he could feel how his shoulder became wet from her tears. "Promise me..." she whispered once more and Asmodeus rubbed her back.

"I promise, now what best friend would I be... if i left the friend who's been there for me all my life... without returning the favor," He said and Y/n smiled. Happy she had Asmodeus left in her life... "Jokes aside, I can't afford to lose you, Y/n. Now now... not ever..."

Y/n smiled and hugged her best friend tighter as she thought back on when their third friend were alive... she sadly smiled,

'Fizzarolli... Me and Asmodeus misses you, you stupid Imp jester,'

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now