Arackniss x imp fem!reader

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Requested by @Winterwatcher___

•──────⋅☾ ☼ ☽⋅──────•

"Why the fuck do I have to do this?"

"Because, money. Y/n," Crimson mumbled and fixed the tie on her suit. "And remember, don't cross me," he growled and knocked on the door.

"Enter," a deep voice spoke on the other side. Crimson's men opened the door for him and the woman.

The two stepped inside and the door closed behind them. Y/n glanced up at the spider sinners, "Mr. Crimson. It delights me to see you, I was a little surprised by your request,"

"I just thought that we could make good business together,"

"Yes. But you see. Arackniss here is very important to me. How do I know, that this woman is worthy of his time,"

Y/n glanced up at Arackniss who were standing beside his father.
She then felt her own father hold a hand on her back, pushing her slightly forward. "I assure you. My daughter, is the best of the best,"

Crimson snapped his fingers and Y/n, without looking, tossed a knife at the hanging dartboard, getting a bullseye.

Arackniss was a bit impressed but did his best to not show it. His father hummed in amusement, "I see she knows about weapons, what about guns?"

"Best shooter in the Greed Ring," Crimson put a paper on the desk. "Popularity?"

"Highly feared by many," Another paper was placed on the desk.

"Is she able to have many kids?" Y/n's eyes widened a bit and she looked at her father who nodded as he placed down a doctor signed paper.

"It's settled. Arackniss... meet your fiancé,"

Y/n and Arackniss stared into each other's eyes and frowned at one another.
'Great...' both thought and looked away from each other.

☾ ☼ ☽

"I can't believe I'm stuck with you," the spider spoke and Y/n scoffed while looking away from him as they took a walk together while their fathers had a meeting.

The walk were silent... until Arackniss' stomach growled. Y/n snorted and Arackniss blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up,"

"I wasn't gonna say anything..." she then motioned her head back to the house. "Wanna get something to eat?"

"I... don't know how to..."

Y/n arched an eyebrow at him, "You don't know how to cook?"

Arackniss nodded and Y/n sighed, "I guess I have to do it. I'm starting to get hungry as well and I don't trust you with food that I'm gonna eat,"

"Very funny," he growled and the two walked back to the house and went into the kitchen.

"Anything you prefer?" Y/n asked as she took off her suit jacket and folded up the white shirt she had under it.

"No. Do whatever you want,"

☾ ☼ ☽

"There you go," She placed the plates and sat down in front of him.
Arackniss stared down at the food for a moment and glanced over at her to see her take a bite and smile slight happy at the taste.

He grabbed the fork and took a bite, eyes widened and Y/n smirked knowingly. He cleared his throat and looked away with a frown.

"You don't have to say that you like it. Your eyes say everything," She said and glanced over at the spider who stared at her, their eyes locked and time seemed to slow down for a moment.

But them both quickly looked away after realizing they had been staring at each other.

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n chuckled at the text Arackniss had sent her. She was about to reply when her father stormed into the living room. "The engagement is over!" He yelled and Y/n sat up properly, "What?"

"That maniac of a spider tried to clip me," he growled and the woman's eyes widened.

"I want you to stay far away from those spiders! You hear me!"

"Yes, sir," Y/n mumbled, head down.

Crimson stared at his daughter and sighed before leaving the room.

Y/n's eyes started to water but she quickly blinked her tears away.
She looked down at her phone. She wanted to text him back... asking what happened but... was that really worth it?

Was her love for the black spider worth more than the respect she had tried so hard to earn from her father?

She closed her eyes and put the phone back in her pocket as she stood up and left for the gun range area to try and cool off her head.

☾ ☼ ☽

It's been around half a year since the arrangement was off.
And Y/n... wasn't happy. Her father had sent all more and more of his guys to try and clip the other Mafia boss, only to receive the news that they all had pleaded for their lives in their last moments.

Y/n were now taking a walk. She had just "communicated" with some guy that owes her father some money. 
Her head were down when she suddenly bumped into someone's chest, "Oi, watch where you're—?!" The man stopped and Y/n's eyes widened when their eyes met.


"Y/n!" The spider tried to hug her but she quickly pushed away. Glancing around them, "My father would kill us both if he knew you were talking to me,"

"He doesn't have to know. I just want to know, why you never returned my texts,"

"Because..." she looked down, "I do want to text you, call you, hang out with you. Niss, and I would if I could... But I can't, my father would hate me... and— I've tried so many years to earn his trust and respect... I-I can't lose that again,"

Arackniss rated at her before slowly reaching over with his lower pair of arms to take her hands in his.

"Niss, my father might—"

"Y/n. I know what you're going through. Waiting years for your father to have trust and respect in you... it's something I can relate to. So I understand how you feel... but that shouldn't stop us from seeing each other if it means that we can be together. I could speak with my father, he will surely take you in. We help you get away from the Crimson mafia for good,"

Y/n looked down and Niss used a third hand to hold her cheek to make her look up at him. "I've never felt this way about anyone before, Y/n... I love you. And if it means that I would have to throw away my current life to have a chance in having you by my side, then I would..."

Y/n reached up and held his hand that were placed to her cheek, "I-I love you too, Niss. I-I guess I'm just... scared of my dad and how he's gonna react,"

"You don't have to be scared. Because no matter what, I will protect you. And I know, that you will protect me. We protect each other, darlin'"

Y/n blushed at the sudden nickname, she glanced up at the spider and smiled before hugging him tightly.

Arackniss smiled, picked her up and hugged back.
His first friend...

His first love...

His forever darling.

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now