Andrealphus x preg!reader

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Requested by @Harper_liv

•──────⋅☾ ☼ ☽⋅──────•

Y/n stood in the bathroom, looking at her now 23 week grown stomach.
She smiled, happy that she finally had found a dress that looks good with her pregnant form.

She was fixing her hair when her husband, Andrealphus walked inside.
He smirked at the sight and sneaked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her to hold her stomach. "Hi love"

Andrealphus smiled at the nickname, "Hi, darling... You ready to go?"

"Mhm" she nodded and turned to face him. "You look absolutely stunning"

"You don't look half bad yourself" she said while dusting off his shoulders.
Andrealphus chuckled and the two walked towards the exit.

☾ ☼ ☽

"Why would she throw a... "not... divorced party"? The name is just a hassle to say" Y/n spoke as the two exited the limousine.

"You know my sister, she loves throwing parties"

She rolled her eyes, 'Almost as much as she loves to talk shit to me'

"At least I get to see Via" she mumbled and Andrealphus knocked on the large door. Only for an imp to open up and lead them to the ballroom.

It was the first party they would attend to after Y/n become pregnant.
As the door to the ballroom opened and they stepped inside, heads turned to look at them.
Y/n gulped, not knowing if the looks meant a good or no... Y/n didn't come from a high standard family... her father had been working as a secretary for a duke when he was alive, but that was the closest to success anyone in her family had gotten to.

Well... until she met Andrealphus of course.

Y/n glanced at her husband who smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her waist, "It's gonna be alright" he whispered and the two walked further into the room to find his sister.

That was when Y/n heard the whiny voice of the other woman, "Andrealphus..." the woman stopped and turned to Y/n, looking her up and down before smiling, "It's been awhile, haven't it, Y/n?"

"Um... yes, it's... nice to see you again, Stella—"

"Andrealphus. Could I speak to you for a moment?" Stella had interrupted and Y/n slightly looked down, 'Why am I even trying?' She thought and glanced at her husband who looked at her, silently asking if she would be okay on her own.

Y/n smiled at him and nodded. "Go, I'll be fine" Andrealphus kissed the back of her hand before leaving with his sister.

Leaving the pregnant woman alone in the middle of the ballroom.
She sighed and walked to stand by the wall. She held a hand on her stomach, smiling down when she heard someone approach her.
She looked up and smiled, "Stolas!"

"Y/n, it's good to see you" he hugged her and Y/n snickered, "It's good to see you as well. How have things been?"

"Oh... um... the usual, is afraid"

"No! Stolas is terrible in bed! I swear to fuck, he just lays there staring at the wall, and I have to do everything, it's embarrassing! I'm glad one egg fell out of me so I could stop pretending to fuck his scrawny twig ass!" Y/n and Stolas looked over at the loud mouth called Stella as she was speaking to two of her friends.

Y/n arched an eyebrow and looked around the room for her husband to see him speak with another man. She sighed in relief and glared at Stella who laughed loudly as she walked away.

"What a pathetic fucking man!"

Stolas snarls in anger and Y/n sighed when she noticed Stella look at her up and down with disgust.

She shook it off and held a hand on Stolas' shoulder. "Don't let her get to you"

Stolas looked at her and sighed with a slight smile, "Yeah..." he looked down at his wineglass before noticing an imp walk over with a plate of rats.

"Do you have anything stronger than this?" They stopped and looked up at him, "We have absinthe your highness" they answered while Stolas put down his glass on the plate and took the rats.

"Bring me all of it" he ordered and ate them all.
Y/n sighed and shook her head as another imp arrived and as they tried to fill up a glass, Stolas grabbed the whole flask of absinthe and started to drink it.

"Stolas—" Y/n was cut off when two bodyguards walked up to them with an imp in their arms.

"We caught this nasty imp trying to sneak into your chambers. What should we do with him?"

"Into my chambers, really? Well, that is... concerning... Ahem, leave him to me. I will handle him accordingly"

Y/n watched as the bodyguards dropped the imp to the ground and walked away. "Ugh. They don't know how to take care of people" she growled and held out a hand to the imp.

He looked up at her, she smiled, "I'm sorry about them" she mumbled and he slowly took her hand while still staring at her.

"Y/n. It was very nice to see you again. But I must attend to this. Via is in her room if you want to say hi"

Y/n nodded at him, "I'll see you later then"

She turned to the imp and slightly bowed... Just because imps were the lowest rank of demon didn't mean she had less respect for them, "If you excuse me" she walked off towards her husband, hearing a demanding, "Follow me, imp" behind her.

While walking towards her husband , she felt someone grab her arm and she stopped in her tracks, "Y/n. I would like to ask you something..."

"Um... sure... what is it Stella?"

"Did you even try to look good tonight? You're not just embarrassing yourself, but you're embarrassing me"


Stella pressed a finger to the other woman's chest. "You really look like someone who marries for money" Y/n frowned and held a hand upon her belly. Stella smirked, knowing she made an impact on the woman's confidence.

Her smirk didn't stay long though when she heard someone clear their voice and when she turned, she found her brother with a scold upon his face.

"Fuck did you say to my wife?" He almost said in a whisper.

"A-Andrealphus, I—"

He took a deep breath and spoke up, trying to speak so that not many would turn their attention to them, "My darling sister. I would appreciate it that you do not speak to my wife that way... You don't know anything about her and you don't know what she has been going through. You have no right to talk to her like that" he wrapped an arm around his wife's waist, "Now, if you excuse us" he continued and the two left for the door.

Y/n had her head down all the way till they reached the limousine.
The door closed and Andrealphus turned to his wife, holding her hands in his, "I'm sorry..." she whispered and he shook his head. "No, you have nothing to apologize for, Y/n. I love you. I know you and you wouldn't marry me just for the riches, I mean... look at me, how could you resist such beauty?" He joked, smirking when he noticed his wife smile slightly.

"Don't listen to her. My sister looks done on anyone who's not royal or of high ranking. Though, I think she should appreciate you more since you're my wife, you may not be born into royalty, but that's part of why I like you, my dear" he held her cheek to make her look at him, "You're not like anyone else I'm associated with... And I love you for that"

Y/n smiled and kissed him, "I love you, too"

Andrealphus smirked as his hand sank down from her cheek, to her neck, past her chest and down to the stomach.
"But your personality isn't just what I love about you, my dear" his hand sank lower and he grabbed her thigh.

Y/n rolled her eyes and slapped his hand away from her, "You're a hopeless man, Andrealphus"

He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist to bring her closer to him,

"Only for you, darling... Only for you"

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots Vol.2 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now