Chapter 3

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'I-I-It's uh no-not taken' I said stuttering like crazy. 'Okay' He replied, laughing a bit and sat next to me.

I was freaking out . He was way hotter up close. Holy fuck.

We sat their in silence for 5 minutes, listening to the teacher explain what we were doing for the lesson. I could feel his gaze upon me, I couldn't stop smiling. All that was on my mind was how I was sitting next to Finn Hutchings. Wow.

When teacher finished explaining what we are doing for the lesson I started to do my work. After a while I was wondering why Finn hadn't left the seat next to me and go sit with his friends.

So I started pinching myself, seeing if this was all a dream.

'Ow fuck' I mumbled. Yep this is real.

'What are you doing?' Asked Finn.

Holy fuck he's talking to me.

'Um nothing.. why would you care?' I replied

'You were doing something. But anyways sorry I was just trying to start a conversation with you.' He said

'Really, wow okay. You don't need to apologise, it was my fault. I'm sorry' I replied nervously.

'Haha okay Liv' he said smiling back at me.

Did he just call me Liv. I didn't even think he even knew my name. He had the nicest smile too, his teeth were pure white, his smile was fucking amazing. Especially because he was smiling at me!

I was probably blushing like crazy. He smiled at me for the longest time. I just didn't want it to end.

'Are you nervous?' He asked me.

'As a matter of fact I am' I thought out loud.

Shit. Did I literally just say that. I wanted to wack myself in the head so bad.

'Why' he said laughing a bit, biting his bottom lip 'It's only me'

'That's the thing, It's becasue it's you.' I thought out loud again.

SERIOUSLY DID I JUST DO IT AGAIN! Okay mouth, don't say the things I'm thinking geez. Oh crap, He's gonna think I'm a weirdo now.

'What was me?' He seemed curious. This time I didn't say anything. Except all I could do is smile, I couldn't help but giggle.

'What? Haha come on tell me!' He said knudging me a bit. 

Okay Liv, keep it together. Yes he's knudging you and talking to you. This seems like a dream but it isn't, so don't freak out or he'll think your a retard. Deep breath.

'It's ju-' I was cut off by the bell. As much as I didn't want this conversation to end I was kinda happy for not embarassing myself.

'Don't worry about it, I'll talk to you about it next lesson, bye Liv' he said walking to the door with his bag. 'Are you leaving the class?'

I had just noticed I was still sitting down in my seat. 'Oh shit, yeah I am' I replied, kinda embarassed.

'Okay' he said, laughing a bit  'do you want me to walk with you to your friends?'

Wait what! Did he seriously just say that to me? This is actually getting really  suspicious. What if it was all a stupid dare?

'Are you joking around with me or something?' I suspiciously ask.

'Why would I ask if I didn't mean it?' He answered.

'Um sure, I guess. Your group sits near mine anyways so yeah okay' I reply trying to sound sophisticated and not screaming out FUCK YES! or OMG YES I LOVE YOU FINN!

'Yeah' he replied scratching his hair. 'Come on then'

So here I am, walking with Finn FUCKING Hutchings. We just walked there in silence.

'Sooo..' He said. 'Yeah, what?' I asked. He didn't say anything, but all he did was a girly giggle. 'What is it?' I ask again. He just kept doing that girly giggle.

'Are you mimcking me from class?' I asked him.

'Yep' He said laughing. 

'Oh my god Finn.' I said rolling my eyes. 'Just asking but was that a dare?'

'What was a dare?' He asked

'You know...' I start.

'Come on tell me!' He said, pretending to act really annoyed with me.

'Like with you sitting with me in class, talking to me, and walking out for lunch with me.'

'I promise you it's not a dare' He replied quickly.

'Then why are you doing it?' I asked.

He didn't answer for a while. 'I just felt like it okay' He replied, with a bit of tone in his voice. 'Sorry'

'It's okay, sorry for asking' I replied.

We walked over in silence to my group of friends. Alex ran towards me with Isabella, Felicity and Lianna.

'Hey Liv! Where have you be-' Alex stopped talking and dropped her jaw. 

'Well I'll see you next lesson Liv, bye' Said Finn. 

'Bye' I said laughing a bit. As he walked off brushing his hair to the side.

I looked back at Alex, still with her jaw dropped. I couldn't help but laugh.

'Okay dude, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!' Alex said grabbing my shoulders and shaking me a bit.

'I don't even know' I said shaking my head.

'Come on Liv! Tell us everything!' Said Lianna.


Hey guys! Are you enjoying my book. Sorry if it's dodgy, it's my very first fanfic/book. If it's a bit boring at the moment I promise I will try and make it get better. Thanks guys! 




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