Chapter 16

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Olivia's P.O.V


I woke up and groaned. I had a pounding headache and my stomach hurt.

'How are you feeling?' Luke asked me.

'Like shit.' I groaned, Sitting up 'What happened last night? I can't remember anything.'

'You drank a lot and you were saying some really funny things.' He laughed.

'Oh shit, what was I saying?' I asked.

'Well when I asked you how many drinks you've had and you counted your fingers, yelled four and held up 3 fingers.' Luke laughed.

'Oh my god.' I said placing my hands on my face and shook my head. 'How embarrassing.'

'Hey.' Luke said sitting next to me on the bed, placing his arm around my side. 'It's okay, I won't judge you for what you did last night.'

'Really?' I asked.

'Yes.' He smiled. 'Drunk Liv was funny.'

'Oh was she!' I laughed.

'Yep, she was interesting.' Luke laughed.

I groaned grabbing my head.

'Oh do you need medicine?' He asked.

I nodded.

Luke walked out of the room and walked back in a few minutes later with some pills and a cup of water.

'This is panadol. It will work in about 15 minutes.' He said.

'Thank you so much Luke.' I smiled and took the pills.

'Do you need anything else?' He asked.

'No, you've done enough. Thank you heaps.' I smiled.

'Okay, just come out when you are feeling better.' He said.

'Okay I will.' I smiled.

He smiled and walked out of the room.

I unlocked my phone and looked at the time. It's 10:30. I looked through my Instagram and liked a few pictures.

About 15 minutes later I decided to struggle my way out of the bed. I didn't want to get out though, it was comfy and of course, it smelt like Luke's deodorant.

'Hi Liv. How are you feeling?' Ashton asked hugging me.

'Better than before.' I said.

'That's good, are you hungry?' He asked.

'Yes but I'll eat at home. It's okay.' I said.

'No you will eat here, you're not leaving until later because Alex is coming here in about half an hour. I don't want you to starve.' He said.

'Oh fine.' I playfully rolled my eyes. 'What do you have?'

'We have cereal.' Ashton paused. 'I think, actually yeah we do.'

'What cereals do you have?' I asked.

'Coco pops.' Luke yelled to me from the couch.

My eyes lit up. Coco pops were my favourite cereal since I was a little girl.

'I LOVE Coco pops!' I jumped up and down.

'Us too!' Luke laughed.

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl. I sat down at the kitchen bench and ate my cereal.

'Alex should be arriving very soon' Ashton said again.

Alex's P.O.V
I had gotten up a lot later this morning. It was a cloudy day and it looked as if it was going to rain.

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