Chapter 8

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Olivia's P.O.V

I sat there, looking at myself in the mirror, doing my makeup. I didn't want to go to this stupid party but Alex was forcing me to go.

'Are you nearly ready?' Alex calls to me.

'Yes' I sigh.

'Come on hurry up dude, the party starts in 10 minutes' says Alex.
'Okay okay. I'll be out in a sec' I yell out. Adding the finishing touches to my makeup.

All I needed to do now was put my dress on. It was a short black dress, I don't normally like to wear dresses but it's a special occasion and Alex is wearing one too so I guess I have to wear one.

When we are both ready we walk outside. There is still heaps of fans outside the hotel, some off them even had their tents out. I kinda felt bad for them.

We walk across the road to the party. There were heaps of people, music blasting through the building. My head started to pound, I felt really dizzy. Everything started to go dark.

Oh please not now...


'Dude wake up.' I faintly hear Alex say.

'What happened' I ask slowly lifting up from the ground. 'Where are we?'

'We are still at the party, I just carried you behind here so you weren't lying in the center of the walkway into the club.' She replies.

'How long was I out for?' I ask, rubbing my eyes.

'About 5 minutes' Alex says.

'Okay good, can we just sit for a bit.... please?' I say.

'Okay, but only for a tiny bit. I wanna have some fun!' Alex answers.

We sat there in silence for about 2minutes.

'I don't know about you but I'm ready to partaayyy!' Alex gets up 'You coming?'

'I guess, I'm feeling better now.' I respond.

We walk in, this place was massive. Everywhere I looked there were people, until my eyes laid on two very special people. I tapped Alex and pointed to them and her jaw dropped.

'What are we waiting for!' Alex squeals, 'Come on lets go over!'

We walk up behind them and jumped on their shoulders.

They turned around and looked at us, at first they look surprised and confused but then their faces lit up.

'Holy shit Liv, you scared the shit out of me!' Laughed Finn wrapping his arms around me 'What are you doing here?'

I was freaking out, I couldn't stop smiling and blushing. Same with Finn. What just happened? Finn fucking hugged me! What do I do, what do I do? Okay keep calm. Stop treating him as a crush that has never laid eyes on you before, think of him as a friend that said hey and hugged you. Shit, it's hard to think that, he is your biggest crush like ever! Just don't say anything crazy Liv, breathe.

'I-I no no no I mean w-we, umm' I stuttered.

I am so close to wacking myself really hard in the head right now.

I looked over to Alex, intending that I needed Alex to talk.

Alex nodded and started to speak, 'We were in the hotel across the road and we wanted a bit of fun you know, why are you boys here?'

'We heard of this party through friends, we thought it'll be a cool party, especially becasue we heard they would be playing beat music the whole night.' Said Josh.

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