01 | Angels

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" P', wouldn't it be nice if we are chosen to be one of the angels? " Win asked to the man besides him who eventually had been forced to be here with him.

" Don't even start." Bright replied as he knew too well that if Win started to blabber, it wouldn't end soon.

" Stargazing with you is one of my favourite things to do since I was 18, you know? "

Bright knew. Bright knew it too well that when they were younger, Bright would ditch every night events that he needed to attend only to be the best companion for Win.

But little did Win knew, even Bright needed to attend the welcoming party for some new employees tonight, he was here with Win, landing on the top of Win's car, watching the stars with him and listening to his nonsenses.

" What happened to you? " Bright blurted out, could not longer hide his feelings to ask about Win's disappearance for these past few weeks.

At first, Bright thought it was only a classic Win who would be gone from social medias for a day or two whenever he was stressing out about his new bakery or about some overloading works.

But he started to panic as he couldn't reach Win in whatever social media platforms for weeks that he thought maybe or maybe not he made a mistake that made the younger avoided him.

But Bright being a Bright, acted like he never care, never affected by Win's disappearance.

Even when Win called him tonight asking to be here with him at their favourite spot during school days, he acted like he was not anticipating for any calls, acted like he didn't want to hug Win as tight as possible because he missed Win so much.

" Did you ever thought about being one of the angels, P'? You know you would make a beautiful version of angels didn't you, phi? " Win murmured softly, avoiding the question that Bright inquired before, realising that he did not know the true reasons he's been avoiding his favourite phi.

Win always a cheerful person, a radiant sun that would shine every Bright's day, at least that what Win thought.

But he never know that making the older happy, watching his smile or laugh will affect Win's life so much. He never know that someone's happiness would lead to his happiness as well.

Win couldn't stand having a day without Bright's smile to the point he begged his father to buy tickets for Keshi's concert not knowing the actual price of the tickets, as Bright was whining and having a bad day because he couldn't secure any tickets for him.

Watching the spark from Bright's Bambi eyes and the curve from Bright's kissable lips was a satisfying sight that ever happened in Win's life,  even the sky which has uncounted stars was incomparable to that particular kind of sight.

" What are you implying, Win? Do you hate me? "

" Hate is such a strong word, P' Bright. You need a lot of effort to make me hate you. "

" You know, whatever it is I'm not going to judge you right? We've been friends for how many years yet you need to be secretive with me?" Bright frowned, while counting the stars above, averting his gaze everywhere but Win. Yah sure, be secretive all you want. Bright mentally pouted thinking about that.

Bright couldn't care less anymore, he was frustrated that Win didn't want to share any bad things that happened to him. As if Win didn't know that Bright always priorities Win's well-being before.

Win not always like this or never like this. Whenever he was feeling down or something, he's gratefully told Bright about it, asking the best advice from the older and even made Bright slept beside him to comfort himself.

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