16 | Polaroid On Stage

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Win was in a crowd full of awaiting fans, his siblings had dragged him along to a not-so-private concert, it was a small and pretty intimate setting. Win didn't really want to be there but he'd practically did just about anything for his beloved family, they were his best friends after all.

There was Mintra, who was twenty-six and obsessed with baking, wanting to build her own bakery yet she succeeded to launch it one year ago. Next in line was Kasanant alias P'Ice, she was very into makeup and she loved to meet new people. Then there was Mick, his youngest and naughtiest brother ever, but the closest to Win as they shared same passions, sports and music. And in addition, they brought their niece who was ten years old and had no experience in attending gigs.

Win was more than glad that it was just a small pop up show instead of a sold-out stadium, he'd been to a couple of them but none was like this. There were just rows of seats, instead of a pit in front of the stage. The platform where the band was set up wasn't very big either, Win could reach out and touch it from where he sat. His sisters were thrilled with their seats, so excited to be that close to the stage.

The artist performing was Bright Vachirawit, of course. The sky-rocketed artist this year as he managed to bring his songs worldwide and Win hadn't stopped hearing the name. And yes, his siblings were practically obsessed with this Vachirawit guy, his posters and albums were everywhere in their room.

Mintra had been in charge of the aux cord on the way down to Bangkok, so Win had to listen to the lad's music the whole way. The music hadn't been too bad, Win didn't mind it, it was just different to what he usually listened to which was EDM but still, he had enjoyed it.

Win looked around at the crowd, there were roughly a hundred people in the audience, all of them were bouncing eagerly in their seats as they waited for the singer to emerge. Win chuckled to himself, they reminded him a bit of himself at his very first concert, three years ago. It was a night he wouldn't be able to forget, the atmosphere, the enchanting crowd, the pleasing music, it's where his love of concerts started to grow.

" P' Win? "Film, his niece frowned, poking Win's side to grab his attention.

" What's up, chuck? " Win questioned as he faced Film, his back turned away from the stage to focus on his niece.

" No, I'm just nervous, I'm not really sure about the crowd. It's a little scary." Film confessed, looking down in embarrassment as she played with her hands. Well, it her first time after all.

Win placed his hand under Film's chin and tilted her head back up to meet his eyes, Win smiled softly at him. " Don't worry lovely, nothing's gonna happen as long as I'm here.. we are here to enjoy, okay? "

Win reassured as he pulled Film into a warm hug. She nodded lightly into his chest and smiled. Win decided to pull a funny face to cheer her up, well the tricks would always work effectively.

Crossing his eyes and poking out his tongue, Film started to giggle and the two were blissfully unaware of the small audience they had attracted. Win was too concentrated on making his little niece felt comfortable again, whilst Film was laughing sweetly at his stunts.

Win's siblings were grinning madly at the pair, knowing that the surrounding crowd was finding the whole thing just as endearing as they did. Everyone was so preoccupied by the scene that it had quietened down and no one was yet to spot the familiar brunette boy that had made his way out onto the stage.

Well, Bright had been watching the scene play out from the backstage- Win's seat was in the front row after all- and Bright couldn't deny that the sight was truly breathtaking. Bright's heart melted at the interactions and truth to be told, he found that he was gawking over the beautiful man in front of him.

Bright wandered out on stage, his favorite camera in hand, trying his best not to distract the audience from the two people who were in their own bubble. As he got closer, he snapped a picture of them, who looked so beyond happy.

The boy was smiling so wide, his face was lit up and beaming brightly, while the little girl was giggling away, covering her mouth to contain her laugh. Domestic.

The 'click' sound was very loud, attracting everyone to look at where the noise came from.

Bright grinned sheepishly as the Polaroid printed, he hadn't really thought this through but he couldn't bring himself to care.

" Oi handsome, I do heard of a phrase 'take a picture, it'll last longer', but I didn't know you really took it seriously." Win teased, grinning up at the older who was on the stage.

Bright laughed loudly and Win was very sure that his heart had skipped a beat. Oh god, who had given Bright the right to look handsome and beautiful at the same time? Bright's laugh was heavenly and the way he tilted his head back and exposed his neck really drove everyone wild. Obviously, Win too.

" It was a very endearing sight and you kinda stole my show, so I'm not sorry. " Bright shrugged, smiling softly at Win.

" Do I look good at least? " Win asked, raising a brow up as he smirked.

" I don't know. I think you know the answer to that. " A warm shade of pink crept into Bright's cheeks as he removed the Polaroid, fanning it in the air to distract himself from the pretty man below.

" I'd love to hear it from you, the great artist. "

Win swore to death he never been this bold before, he didn't even know what possessed him tonight. Oh, he must had been the talk of the media tonight, it's the famous Thailand's artist he talked to.

Bright couldn't stop his smile, ducking his head to keep his flushed face hidden as he watched the picture itself. The image was absolutely nice, and sweet as hell. Bright just couldn't take his eyes of the masterpiece.

" Beautiful. " He responded.

The not-so-many crowd erupted in whispers and cheers as if they were enjoying the little interactions between them. And Win's siblings couldn't be more amused than they were right now.

Win was taken a back, he had only been teasing, he didn't expect that the singer would actually complimented him, especially in front of his fans and Win's family. And boy, no one had ever called him beautiful before.

Win couldn't hide his grin as he watched Bright bent down and extended his arm out, the Polaroid resting between his fingertips.

Win stepped forward and reached up to take it from Bright's grasp. As their fingers met, sparks erupted but neither of them pulled away from it. They let their hands lingered longer as their eyes met, brown seeing brown.

Win should've be thankful to their siblings for dragging him here.

A y/n moment, isn't it? This was in my draft for some time now, and I've been thinking to write a one-shot based on P'Ming's wedding but I just couldn't because what could've been sweeter than their true interactions after all 😭😭😭

I am still overwhelmed by the sudden attacks from both of them. I just can't move on, help 😭😭😭😭

Anyways, Happy New Year in advance everyone, may 2022 will be greater than before (circle praying that BrightWin has more interactions in 2022)

Stay safe and stay healthy, peeps!

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