13 | My Little Peaches

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This is just a crack fluff- I've no idea no more 😭


"Peaches? "

"Peaches? "

"Love? "

"Bun? "

Bright was sitting on the couch, looking around for his tiny boyfriend. Their flat wasn't so big, and Bright was sure that Win could hear him, right?

"Winnieeeeeeeeeeee...... " Bright called again, "Peaches!"

There was a small giggle from behind the couch. Bright smirked.

Bright sighed dramatically. " Oh, I wonder where is my little peaches, I made him some stir-fried basil beef with a sunny side-up egg, and now he isn't here to eat it!"

Still, there was no movement from behind the couch.

Bright sighed again. " Oh well, guess I'll have to eat it all by myself and leave none for my little peaches..."

There was a squeak of indignation from behind the couch and a pair of tiny arms wrapped around Bright's neck. " P'Bai, you big meanie! "

Bright laughed, grabbing Win's hands. " See, I knew you would come out! "

Win climbed over the couch and plopped down, fringe flying up a little as he sat. "I wanna eat beef too! " He said childishly.

" Of course, you can Peaches. " Bright said, leaning over to peck Win's forehead. "I was just kidding."

"Good. " Win grinned. " Now, food! "

"C'mon, Peaches " Bright stood up, holding a hand out for Win to take. "Let's eat while it's still hot, okay? "

"Okay. " Win stood in his full height, clasping their hands together.

They walked to the kitchen, where Bright had set their plates on the counter. Win squealed excitedly, stomach growling a little.

Bright cackled. "Hungry? "

"You bet. "

Win hurriedly grabbed a plate and started to shovel the food down as Bright watched him fondly. In record of time, Win managed to finish his meal as he patted his stomach in satisfaction.

" That was fast. " Bright snorted.

" I know. I'm a big eater myself in case you forget. " Win grinned.

Bright shrugged his shoulder. " I know right. You and food are inseparable. "

" What? "

" Nothing, Peaches. " Bright answered dismissively.

" P'Bai? "

"Hm? "

" Why do you call me Peaches? " Win inquired. He looked down at himself. " I don't look like one, right? Or am I that fat? Because peaches are round and- "

" Whoa... no bun, you're not fat. " Bright cut off.

" But.. look at my belly... "

Bright poked Win's stomach playfully, making the younger giggle and shy away from him. " That tickles! "

Bright's lips quirked a smile. " Bun, you are not fat and your belly is freaking adorable. "

Win's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he was about to protest, but Bright hushed him first. " No, don't fight me on this. "

Win huffed. " Okay.. so why do you call me Peaches if I'm not fat? "

" Because you're sweet, soft and you have a squishy bum-bum. " Bright answered simply, reaching behind to pinch Win's butt.

" P'Bai! " Win yelped, hands covering his butt protectively.

" What? " Bright asked innocently. " You do have a great bum-bum. Better than all of those stupid girls who try to flirt with me. "

Win turned into a deep shade of red. " I do NOT! "

" Yes you DO! " Bright said, chuckling at the redness of Win's face. " You're adorable, Peaches. "

" How does the nickname Peaches even correlate with butts? "

" Cause they look like one, duh. "

And that caused Win to roll his eyes out of annoyance.

" P'Bai, that's freaking dorky. "

" I know, and I am your dork. " Bright spat back, circling his arm around Win's small waist and kissing him on the cheek.

" Anyway, the nickname isn't only based on your great bum-bum. " Bright pinched Win's butt again, making Win squealed and slapped his hands away. " You're also very sweet and soft, both figuratively and literally. Obviously, your skin is very soft and you're also a smol, baby bunny. " Bright explained.

" P'Bai, smol isn't even a real word. " Win huffed.

" I don't care that isn't in the dictionary, cause smol is the perfect way to describe you. Although I am confuse sometimes, you indeed taller but you become smol as hell whenever you're with me. " Bright bopped Win's nose affectionately.

Win blushed again, cheeks dusted with pink. Bright's heart soared high at the adorableness and he just leaned in, peppering Win's face with kisses, which made Win squeaked as he tried to avoid his boyfriend's lips. " P'Bai, stop! It tickles! "

" You're adorable. " Bright said, as Win giggled and tried in vain to escape Win's grip. " My little Peaches. "

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