12 | Library

414 33 9

Double update because I'm cool 😎😎
Anyways, this one-shot happened because I love the little interactions between Win and Prim last night xx. Hehehe, enjoy.


"Bright, did you find the book? The librarian said it should be over here somewhere. "

Foeii spotted Bright crouching behind a bookshelf, a gap strategically placed between two books. Bright was holding a thick book that Foeii assumed was the one they needed to finish their prerequisite history paper. Bright was so engrossed in whatever was on the other side that he didn't even notice that Foeii was beside him.

Foeii peered around Bright's shoulder. "What are you looking at? "

Bright jumped quickly shoving the two volumes together before Foeii could see what was on the other side.

"Nothing. " Bright shook his head suspiciously.

Bright was blushing profusely which only made Foeii more curious as to what his friend could have been staring at.

A quick peek around the shelf revealed a pretty yet handsome brunette sitting alone, reading glasses precariously perched on his nose. Books were strewn all over the table and he was furiously writing in a notebook.

"He's stunning, isn't he? "

Bright now was standing next to his friend as they both observed the boy. Foeii took another look at the boy, he had a wolf cut hair, the strands shaping his heart shaped face. His eyes were a nice shade of brown but Foeii had always been drawn to blue. Even with the glasses, Foeii could tell that the boy had the kind of eyes that just sucked you in with only one look.

Bright had summed him up perfectly.

" I found the book. " Bright forcefully slammed the book into Foeii's chest. With a whoosh, Foeii was left clutching the book while Bright strode away from him.

Gasping for air, Foeii glanced at the boy again. The boy was staring at him with concern written all over his face. Foeii gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile before chasing after his friend.

"Bright!" Foeii yelled, "Bright!". He whispered yelled this time after a scathing look from the ancient librarian.

Bright was waiting for him at the checkout desk.



Foeii sighed and waited for the librarian to give them their book.

Once they were outside, Foeii stopped Bright from walking away from him.

"Dude, what was that back there? "

"Nothing." Bright shifted from one foot to another while avoiding Foeii's gaze. "I just didn't like the way you were looking at him."

"How did you want me to look at him? From behind a bookshelf like you? "

Bright's ears turned pink. "No."

"You know I'm not interested in him, right? I just wanted to see what you were looking at."

" You didn't have to stare."

Foeii threw an arm around Bright's shoulder. " Dude, that was all you."

"Who even was that?" Well, Foeii wanted to know. After all, Bright having a crush was something that rarely happened.

" Win, Win Metawin. "

Foeii stopped walking, trying to make sure he heard correctly.

" Win Metawin? The only person who had ever bested Bright Vachirawit. That Win Metawin? But I thought you didn't like him."

" I don't. I mean I don't not like him. I like him." Bright was rambling now, " I like him but I don't like him like him."

" Sorry bud. You lost me." They resumed walking towards their dorm.

" Why were you staring at him from behind a bookshelf? That was a little creepy."

"I swear I wasn't trying to be creepy, I was just looking for the book. When I took it off the shelf, I saw him and...." Bright sighed and Foeii could swear he saw the metaphorical stars in Bright's eyes.

" He looked cute."

It took Foeii a while to notice that Bright had stopped walking and was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, a dumbstruck look on his face.

" Okay.."

"Move weirdo, people are trying to walk here." Bright heard the voice but didn't see the person.

Bright was about to step aside but Foeii stopped him.

" Who are you calling a weirdo?"

Bright groaned, " Foeii, don't embarrass me."

A tiny brunette girl appeared from behind Bright. "He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and I told him to move. You got a problem?"

"Yeah, don't call my friend a weirdo. Apologize to him." Foeii pointed to where Bright was standing and pretending to be invisible.

More and more people were gathering to watch the school's jock face down with its resident artist. Bright knew they were causing a scene but Foeii wasn't backing down.

Then out of nowhere, Win appeared still shoving books into his bag, his glasses nowhere to be seen.

" Prim, apologize." Win ordered.


" If you don't apologize, I won't help you with your term paper."

Prim just smiled not breaking the eye contact, " Yeah you will, you don't want me to lose my scholarship."



Bright watched as Prim plastered on a fake smile. He had a feeling this wasn't going to end well. " I am so sorry I called you a weirdo. Even though staring at Win from behind a bookshelf is weird but I should never have called you that and I hope that you can forgive me."

If this whole mess wasn't Foeii's fault, Foeii would have laughed at the look on Bright's face.

Bright turned red. As red as the tomato. And worst part, he couldn't hide his flushed face anywhere. Bullshit Foeii.

" Vachirawit? That was you? "

Bright rubbed the back of his neck. " I can explain? "

Win looked at him expectantly.

" In private? " Foeii had to hand it to Bright, the kid had guts.

Win nodded and Foeii watched as Bright led Win away.

" Scram, there's nothing to see here." Prim shooed the people away but Foeii could've sworn he saw a small smile playing on her lips.

Suddenly it hit him, " You did that on purpose! "

" Did what? "

"Pushed Bright and Win together!"

" Well duh, someone had to get those crazy kids together. Win never shut up about him and from what I could tell neither does Vachirawit."

Foeii's eyes widened. " Win likes Bright?"

" What is Bright? "

" His first name, Bright Vachirawit? "

Prim shook her head in disbelief before walking away. "What kind of name is Bright? Is he a star or something? "

Win sure did know how to pick them.

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