06 | Five Feet Apart

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" That was five years ago! " Win yelled indignantly, then immediately feeling foolish, he dropped his voice to a contemptuous whisper. " Half of decade has passed yet you're still the same. "

" We can't be together... Not then, not now. " Bright stubbed the unfinished cigarette on the windowsill, his naked back still indifferently turned to Win.

" Why? "

" I told you. "

" What? Because we both men? Bright, we're in a 20th century and Thailand already legalized same sex marriage! And we can't even choose who we want to love.. " Win pleaded desperately, he was in the verge of crying.

" You don't understand.. "

Bright cared little of societal norms and his own reputation. He was obstinate about his principles which never adhered to society's smothering rules.

" Yes, all these years yet still, I couldn't understand you! " Win said shakily. " I can't believe I wasted all these years on you! "

Win fervently grabbed his coat, slipped into his back pumps and stormed out, slamming the door shut. The rattling of the door still resonated in the room after he left and Bright instinctively reached for the lodged latch of the window once more. This time, it unclasped with a loud snap.

Win couldn't understand. He was aware that both of them had a mutual feelings towards each other for a long time now, so why Bright didn't want to level up their relationship?

Time to move on, Win. He sighed to himself, " What do I expect from this argument, I know I'll lose anyway. "


Bright sighed for the umpteenth times today, he's frustrated at himself. Nothing he did seems right. His head was pounding so hard since morning. Was it because he lacked of rest? Or was it because he simply couldn't get the latter's words out of his head?

Bright closed his eyes, trying to absorb some fresh air to clear his mind when he heard sudden footsteps walking towards his working table.

" Okay, open your eyes. " The words were soft and familiar but felt so wrong. " Bright, open your eyes. "

Bright could see his thin smile before Bright lifted his lids, but he shouldn't be here.

Bright fluttered his eyes open to see what he missed, his round face with deep chocolate eyes staring back at him.

" Open. " Bright's voice sounded fine, steady even. Bright gaped back at him, studying the features of his face for even a minor blemish, but he was untouched. His pale skin accented by the curtain of dark brown hair, his nose was perfectly shaped, his scarlet lips pulled into his tight smile accented by a dimple pricking each cheek.

" I miss you.... so much. " Bright moved his hands unconsciously, trying to cup the latter's cheeks.

" Earth to Bright! " First's eyes blinked, bringing Bright back to present.

" Sorry, I just had a very.... " Bright squeezed his hand into a tight fist, shooting the sensation into his memory bank and recalling the face that wasn't there. Bright shook it off and looked around his tiny office. "What time is it?"

First shrugged, "It's a little after 7 pm." First shifted back in his chair and crossed his arms, exuding annoyance.

" Problems with Win? " First couldn't hide his curiosity because Bright wasn't a type to stay after office hours when he knew Win was waiting for him at his apartment.

" Not your business, why are you here again? " Bright shrugged, didn't want anyone to give him unpleasant lectures.

" Supposed to give you this before, but I forgot. " First said, handling a file of papers to Bright.

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