22 | Vulnerable and Thunderstorm

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Boom! Boom!

Win kept himself from shrieking as the sound suddenly washed through his dark bedroom. He glanced around nervously as his room brightened along with the flash followed moments later. He saw the shadows of his dressers and bed against the wall and it reminded him something out of a horror movie, not settling.

He brought his blanket up to his chin as the rain pounded against the roof of his apartment. He hated himself for getting so worked up during storms, but he guessed he was like a dog in that he hated them. Every time a storm hit his area, he wouldn't be able to sleep until it stopped.

He glanced out his window and saw the rain dripped down as another jolt of thunder hit. He jumped and let out a small whimper, pulling the blanket even tighter.

Win grabbed his phone, hoping to distract himself from the storm outside. He unlocked it quickly, turning the flashlight on. He gave a quick glance across his room when he saw a shadow behind his closet, he moved closer to figure out what it was when suddenly another strike hit the ground. Win cursed under his breath and his heart raced.

Win hated his housemate. He was probably sleeping soundly in his room, enjoying the calming weather. He said he enjoyed rain and storms as they were therapeutic to him and made it easier to sleep. And now, Win was tempted to go to his room, wondering if he was still awake.


" Fuck this. " Win muttered, racing back to his bed and curling up underneath the covers.

He grabbed his phone, not wanting to handle it alone. He dialled his housemate number quickly, pressing the phone to his ear just as his room lightened up with a flash.

" Win? " His housemate asked and Win sighed in relief. He was up. This was great. Win took another glance out of his window before responding.

" I'm scared as hell, can you please come over? " Win whispered, his heart fluttered as he heard his housemate sighed, obviously done with his antics.

" Okay, fine. I'm coming over. " He answered as Win made a room for the other on his bed.

It wasn't very often that Win got so worked up until he wanted Bright to sleep over with him, but he knew it was bad when Win did.

Win's door creaked open and he sighed gratefully as Bright stuck his head in.

" Thank God. " Win muttered as Bright walked over to him. Bright was shirtless and only wore his favorite navy blue boxers.

Win wasn't a type to stare at someone but this time, okay, considered it as emergency.

Bright took a seat next to Win on bed, wrapping an arm around Win's shoulder and giving it a small squeeze.

" Why don't you try to lay down? " Bright suggested, slowly guiding Win to lay on his bed.

They were facing each other but Win's gaze was fixed on the bedroom door behind his housemate. He felt Bright's hand moved to his waist, lifting his shirt lightly. The pads of Bright's fingers ghosted over his skin, causing a tingle to go up.

" Win, look at me." Bright lifted his free hand to cup Win's cheek, shifting Win's attention to him. Bright smiled and tucked a stray piece of hair behind Win's ear.

" Just look at me. Oh, there you go! " Bright praised as Win's eyes drifted to him. His thumb moved over Win's cheek and down to Win's shoulder where he rested it.

" Thank you. " Win whispered, pressing his head against Bright's chest.

Bright chuckled at the gesture, but brought Win closer to him anyway, tightening the grip on Win's small waist. Win felt safe, at least when he was in Bright's arms.

A crack of lightning struck outside and Win jumped slightly, but Bright held tight, not letting Win got away from him.

" Talk to me about something. " Bright said, pulling Win closer.

Their foreheads could almost touch, but Win was too focused on the thunder and rain to let his heart ran wild.

" When I look at you, my heart goes crazy and my stomach does the stupid grumbles and it is freaking annoying, but god knows I secretly love it. " Win started, words tumbling from his mouth like the rain.

" You do that weird thing when you try to put your head on my shoulder everytime we are watching movies. You're not very slick and I notice it every time but I never stop you because I love it. "

" You always wear that sexy apron and say ' kiss the cook ' whenever we in the kitchen and I'm so tempted to do it every time, but I don't since it would ruin everything. "

" You do that stupid yoga shits in the middle of living room and it's freaking hard to not stare at your ass when you shove everywhere and swing it around. "

" Worst, you tempt me by walking around half naked all the time. You have no idea how many awkward boners I got because you're walking down the hall with your dick practically hanging out. Then, I need to make some lame excuses as why I'm leaving, which is to take a cold shower because I got embarrass to think about you while I wank off. "

" I hate you because I'm always calling you handsome and perfect but you never understand that I mean it. You always say ' thank you bro ' and I don't like to be called a bro by you. "

" I love so many things about you, your stupid jawline which was carved from angels and those eyes which were picked by god himself and that lips which urged me to kiss it every time I look at it. "

Win exhaled heavily. Wow, long speech.

Bright didn't say anything and there was an awkward silence except for the constant beating of the rain against the roof. Win was terrified what would come next, either the thunder or Bright's reaction about his confessions.

After a long pause, Bright finally lifted his hand up to cup Win's cheek and caressed it softly.

" Kiss me. "

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