18 | Running Wild

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⚠ Teasing - Slight mature scene ahead


Bright was doing the interviews for his new series with Davikah, Astrophile and Win had been with him throughout the entire process of the series, even making his way into some scenes of the film. Win was standing behind the cameras as Bright and his series partner filmed a bunch of interviews for TV and media companies.

Win couldn't help but noticed the way Bright kept stealing glances at him and licked his lips unconsciously whilst smirking towards him. Watching that, Win played with his fingertips nervously. Oh, Bright loved the effect he had on Win.

" Stop. " Win mouthed to his boyfriend as Bright smirked once more in his direction. Bright chuckled under his breath and turned back to look at the interviewer, his lips glossed with a soft coating on his saliva.

Bright shifted in his seat, couldn't sit properly and Win's eyes lingered down only to be shocked after noticing a subtle bump was threatening to be revealed beneath Bright's jeans. Win giggled to himself at the fact that Bright just couldn't do nothing to relieve the pain for now.

Bright took another moment to turn his head and look at his lover, his tongue slipped between his lips and moistened the soft flesh on his mouth. He couldn't break the eye contact, his brown eyes darkened. Win shook his head at him and rolled his eyes playfully.

" Don't look at me like that. " Win mouthed again, warning Bright and raised an eyebrow.

Davikah seemed to notice the tension, she looked at both of them with eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Bright just shook his head and laughed lightly, crossing one leg over the other to control the growing pain in his trousers.

Win was enjoyed by his lover's behavior, he smirked to himself and he decided to take it upon himself and play a little game with him. A little charade won't hurt, right?

Win searched for a stool and sat behind the cameras as he watched the interviews. He licked his lips while waiting for Bright to pivot his vision on him again and when Bright did, he took the opportunity to spread his legs slightly, almost a way to mentally invite Bright over.

Dang, good moves. Bright pursued his lips together, his legs miserably attempting to soften his erected private.

A devilish smirk playing on Win's lips as he took his left hand and gently ran it over his inner thigh before closing his legs. This time, Bright noticeably shifted in his chair and cleared his throat aggressively.

" Everything okay, Bright? " The interviewer chuckled at his mannerisms.

" Yes, Bright.. are you okay? " Davikah emphasized the question and laughed, knowing full well the game between Bright and Win.

" I'm good, yeah. " Bright blushed, smiling to himself as he rested his arm against the chair and traced his lips, something he did often when he nervous.


The interviews had been done and Win was still on the stool with a sinister smile on his face. Bright nearly ran over to him as Win pushed himself off the stool. Bright couldn't help in anymore, he held Win's waist and kissed him deeply, despite the amount of the crew members around.

Talked about being lowkey.

" You gonna be the death of me, you know? " Bright muttered to Win's mouth, his hands travelled down to Win's spine before squeezing Win's bum playfully.

" I know.. " Win mumbled and slid his tongue between Bright's lips which resulted in a soft groan from Bright.

Win pulled back before things would get too heated and played with Bright's collarbone. "Control yourself, Vachi..." Win whispered into Bright's ear as he let his fingers slowly trailed down towards Bright's jeans.

Bright bit his bottom lip, "Win.... Come on..." He practically whined as he felt Win's fingers were playing at the button of his jeans.

" You'll have to wait, P'Bright. " Win simply stated and pulled back from his boyfriend's grip.

Bright's lips parted at Win's actions, completely speechless.

Win bent down, to give Bright a full view of his rear and grabbed his bag and water from the floor. Unexpectedly, Win felt Bright's hand grope his buttcheeks, which caused him to squeak and stand up straight.

Bright stood behind him, leaning down to whisper dangerously. "Two can play this game, bun. "

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