08 | His Baby

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It's one of those days. A day where they had nothing scheduled, as they could chilled out and relaxed.

And of course, Bright - being the most wonderful and thoughtful man that he was, decided to invite the homies over to hang out and watch a film together.

His boyfriend, Win was peacefully asleep upstairs, and Bright decided to brew him a cup of his favourite coffee with two slices of toast. Just because he was in a good mood, and it's the only thing that he could manage or the kitchen would explode in no time.

Bright hummed a nameless tune as he buttered the toast and added just right amount of jam like Win preferred. Then he went back to the fridge, swapping the jam for milk- knife for spoon - and plate for mug.

Of course, it's not just any mug. It's Win's favourite, the one Bright bought as a present when Win was grieving the loss of his beloved brown boots.

Bright poured in the milk and stirred, watching the black coffee swirled to mocha.

Bright grabbed the breakfast, making his way upstairs as he glanced to the huge framed photos lining the wall. One of him and Win back in the audition days ( he really did look like a simp, didn't he? ), one of them were in dumbstruck as they couldn't believe they were collecting their first award together,

And finally- Bright's favourite, a picture of him and his boyfriend were cuddling and sleeping on the back seat in their manager's car.

It's a slightly blurry picture where Bright was laying with his head tucked into Win's neck, Win's head was resting on Bright's. It was taken by their manager secretly and he was more than grateful for this.

Bright smiled, marching to the bedroom and eyes sliding over Win's bulky body that was still asleep. Win curled up on the mattress, the cover tangled up between his legs and his face was mushed into the pillow.

Bright set the breakfast down on the bedside table and gently crawled over to his partner, placing a hand on Win's shoulder and peppered some kisses on his forehead.

" Hey, sleepyhead. " Bright whispered, tucking a stray curl behind Win's ear. Bright saw the corner of Win's lips twitched up and Bright grinned, leaning down and kissed Win's nose, each cheek and chin.

Win let a gravelly giggle slipped past his mouth, his eyelids fluttered open, revealing the most stunning dark-chocolate iris's.

Win blinked owlishly up at his lover, who was stroking his hand through Win's curls. Win shuddered and suddenly became boneless, body sinking into the mattress again.

" Oh no, you don't." Bright removed his hand and Win whimpered at the loss of touch. Bright's heart constricted. " The boys are on their way and I know you don't want to miss them. "

Bright could see the clogs in Win's brain, started to turn. Slowly, mind you, but nonetheless, turning.

" Am sleepy, babe. " Win finally managed to get out, voice deep and hoarse.

Bright helped Win sat up, against the headboard and handed him the toast and coffee. Bright happily watched Win's lips wrapped around the mug and the way his jaw worked furiously to chew the hearty goodness.

When Win was done taking his large swig of coffee, wincing as the toast scrapped down the back of his neck, Bright took back the mug and plate out of Win's hands.

" C'mon baby, You get dressed and I'll set the home cinema up, sounds good?"

All Win could do was nod, too sleepy to reply and as much as Bright wanted to spent more time on bed with his gigantic baby, he needed to entertain the guests.

As Bright retreated downstairs, Win took a sneak peak at his naked body and immediately blushed when Bright turned back to look at him with a naughty wink. He was shy, even after many intimate things they did.

Win stumbled over to Bright's closet and pulled out his favourite over-sized sweatshirt. It smelled like Bright, spice and intoxicating.

He pulled it on, the sleeves falling past his fingertips, hem flooding down by his knees. He grabbed the nearest tracksuits and wore it before pulling on a pair of fuzzy pink socks with so much bunny stickers on it, he had no idea how they got there - and didn't plan to ask either.

Win didn't even bother with his hair, oh well the boys had seen him at his worst. Win finally ambled into the living room with all the grace as a baby deer, he heard familiar laughs, screams and fond sounds.

" Hey, guys. " Win mumbled, padding over to the couch and taking a seat in Bright's lap. Bright didn't look in the least bit surprised. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Win's waist, fingers slipping under the jumper, rubbing soft circles into the skin of his tummy.

Win tucked his head into Bright's neck and pressed a chaste kiss there, curling his legs up next to Bright.

First sent them a kind smile and picked up the remote, pressing the play button. He set it down and threw an arm around Dew who blushed and smiled on the ground. Nani rolled his eyes in expiration.

God, how clueless could First possibly be?

Win turned his attention to the screen and gave a small gasp when he realised that Bright had chosen The Conjuring 3. Of course, Bright put on a horror movie, just because he knew that Win would squeeze him extra tight on the scary part.

By the time the films half way through, Win got his head securely buried in Bright's neck, cringing everytime he heard any screaming.

" This is shit. " Dew concluded, flipping the telly off. Win clenched his eyes shut and slowly brought his head out of his hiding place, grinning sheepishly at the other lads, who were all giving him weird looks.

" What? It was scary. " Win defended, crossing his arms. Bright chuckled behind him and stole a kiss on the back of Win's neck.

" Leave him alone, you mean bunch. " Bright butted in, pulling Win closer to his chest. Win being a childish brat as he was, stuck his tongue out at them.

Nani rolled his eyes out of annoyance, "Shut up, lover boy. What? The couch was not big enough for you two? What a sap."

A pretty pink blushed crawled up Win's neck and pooled in his cheeks.

" Yeah. " Dew joined in, " The couch not comfy enough for the both of you? "

Win pouted at them and began to crawl onto the empty seat next to them when Bright hooked his arms around Win's tiny waist and dragged him back. Once Win was securely seated, he blinked, once, twice, thrice.

" Actually, no. It's not big enough and you all need to shut up because Win is my baby and he is not going anywhere."

Win grinned smugly when the other rolled their eyes and turned their attention back to the blank television. They fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments.

" So, Dew.. anyone caught your fancy lately? "

Win laughed out loud as Dew's face turned bright red and First snapped his head towards him.

" What, you didn't tell me? " First barked, before they were yelling at each other again.

Win laughed in joyous before leaning his head on Bright's shoulder and intertwined their hands together, kissing the back of Bright's hands.

Oh, what a day.

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