07 | Graceful Confession

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Everything about Win was intoxicating. The way he talked, the way he moved, the way he looked at him, even if he glared. Bright just couldn't get enough.

Bright was drunk over the thought of Win. His dark-brown hair that fell over his eyes perfectly, Oh, Win with his hair down. His easy-going demeanor, and his smile that seemed to shine even in the darkest of times.

It was hard, very hard to not make it obvious that he was extremely happy whenever Win was with him.

" Oi'! P' Bright? "

Bright blinked, and looked over then beamed at Win. " Oh! Sorry, Nong. What were you talking about? "

Win scoffed, and gave Bright an irritated look. " I was asking you if you could join me to Niki's concert, this weekend. "

Bright chuckled softly, running a hand through his black hair. "Oh, ya sure.. Niki is one of my favourite too. " Partially true, the whole reason was he could spend more time with Win.

" Then, see you on this weekend! Tickets on me. " Win pointed out cheerfully.

Bright nodded, stuffing his hands in his green hoodie's pocket. " Alright, see you then. "

" Okay, got to go.. My dad is here. "

" Umm.. can't wait for our date. " Bright mumbled audibly, reluctant to let Win heard what he said.


Bright and Win both agreed to meet up at Win's favourite cafe since Win wanted to walk with Bright, afraid that they couldn't find each other at the concert later.

" Hair, check. Outfit, check. My handsome look, check. What else? Oh! My love for Win.. Okay, that's always with me. " Bright murmured to himself, giggling and laughing because he was excited for this date.

Bright was wearing his favourite denim jacket that Win bought for his birthday as the outer. Yes, couple jacket. At least that's what Bright thought. And a pair of high- waisted black jeans with white shirt tucked in it.

" Oh! Time to meet the love light of my eyes! " Bright beamed excitedly.

Win was already at the cafe, waiting for his companion while scrolling his phone, reading some news about his country when suddenly a waiter served his favourite coffee.

" Oh, I didn't order yet.. I'm waiting for a friend. Maybe you got a wrong table. "

" Oh, that man over there ordered this for you, he mentioned it is your favourite. " The waiter pointed at the muscular and attractive man across his table, watching him dreamily.

" Oh, okay.. thank you. " Win nodded, smiling softly at the man across him as a grateful sign.

He was about to sip his coffee when his phone was vibrating, a special ringtone that he set for Bright.

P' Bai ☀️

Enjoying the coffee?

I was about to but a
freaking ridiculous man
texted me.

Hahah. I'm coming.

" You are crazy. " Win blurted out.

" Alaiwa? I just ordered your favourite coffee, yet you call me crazy? Such an ungrateful brat. " Bright pouted.

Win giggled, sipping his coffee a little, "That's such a lame way to flirt. "

" Old but gold, they said. " Bright laughed.

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