15 | Office's Mistletoe

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It's Christmas season y'all! Merry Christmas in advance to everyone who gonna celebrates it!!



Chirpy holiday music played throughout the office as the workers chatted while sipping their cheap champagne. Office parties weren't Bright's thing. For the past hours he'd been hidden in his cubicle finishing a bit of paperwork. That was ruined when his boss came and requested him to attend the party.

Currently, he was leaning against the water cooler watching the office creep wait by the mistletoe for attractive interns to walk under it.

The brunette boringly drummed his fingers against the clear water tank, regretting even staying after hours. He hated office parties. He wanted nothing to do with his colleagues outside of working hours.

" Come on, Bright. " A co-worker, Pluem slung an arm across his shoulders. " It's a Christmas party! Have fun! "

" Sorry, Purim. " Bright mumbled, taking notice of the fake antlers on Pluem's head. "Just not in the mood. Plus I hate you all. "

" If I wasn't a little drunk and really close to shack up with that new intern I might be mildly offended."

" Chimon? "

" Blond with legs longer than the lifespan of horse? "

" Yeah. "

" Yeah, him."

" Okay, you have fun with that. I'll just keep hugging the water cooler." Bright nodded, patting the plastic jug.

Pluem pursed his lips and retracted his arm. " You need to get laid. " He said before walking off.

Bright rolled his eyes and sighed. The door was just beckoning him to leave, and he wanted to, he just didn't want to be the first person to leave. There was a part of him that didn't want to seem like a total square, but he already looked like one secluding himself from everyone else.

" I give up. " Bright mumbled, turning to go back to his cubicle. There was too much work to be done.

On the way there, his body collided with another, some form of alcohol splashing all over his white button down.

" Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. " The guy said, his words were slurred and he was obviously drunk, gripping Bright's shoulders to steady himself from swaying.

" Yeah, uh, me either. " Bright muttered, wiping his shirt. It hadn't made him angry, just kinda made him slump a little. Like, really?

" I'm Win. " The guy took his hands off of Bright's shoulders and extended one out for him to shake.

" Bright. " Bright sighed, taking Win's hand in his own.

Once he'd shaken the dark haired hand, he tried to take his own back but Win was staring up at the ceiling and wouldn't release.

" We're under the mistletoe. "

Bright looked up and hummed in agreement once he spotted the green leaf.

" Yeah, can I have my hand back? " Bright asked, pointing to his and Win's hands.

Win shifted his gaze back to Bright's face and quirked a smile.

" We have to kiss. "

Bright just stared blankly at the younger for a couple of seconds. Was he heard right?

" No, we don't. "

" Yes, we do. It's like a Christmas rule! " Win raised his voice a bit in anticipation.

Bright shook his head and looked up at the pointless leaf hanging from the ceiling.

" This is a place of business, such things shouldn't be hanging arou- "

Bright was cut off by Win who was pressing his plump lips against his own.

Bright froze. He wasn't quite sure what to do. He didn't want to look rude and push him off, but he also didn't enjoy kissing a stranger. Well in the positive side, Win's lips taste heaven.

Win pulled away and gave him a dopey smile.

" So, do you just go around kissing strangers all the time? "

" Only attractive ones. " Win giggled.

Bright shook his head and turned to leave the drunk boy.

" Wait, where are ya going? " Win grabbed Bright's arm.

The brunette furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at his shirt. " I'm kinda covered in whatever you've been drinking? "

" Oh, I'll help you clean up! " Win chirped, grabbing Bright's arm and dragging him into a bathroom.

The door of the restroom clicked closed and Bright began to feel overwhelmed by the other's presence. " Win, I'm capable to clean myself. "

" No.. no.. no.. " Win shook his head, taking a wad of paper towels and drenched them in the sink. "It's my fault I should help. "

" Don't use wet towels I'll get- " Win slapped the cold, wet paper towels against Bright and wiped the alcohol stains. " .....soaked. "

Bright was defeated and Win smirked. " Oh, no. " The dark haired boy sighed. " I guess you'll have to just take it off. "

" Shit. " Bright groaned. " I can't go out there looking like this. "

Bright tugged his bottom lip between his teeth and scanned his eyes across the restroom, ignoring Win. The hand dryer looked like his only option.

So, Bright unbuttoned his shirt and walked over to the dryer whilst Win followed and stood nearby, eyeing Bright's shirtless torso.

" You're hot. "

" Why are you here? " Bright groaned, raising his voice to be heard over the loud dryer. " You seem too young to work here, so? "

" My dad owns this place and is too busy having his ass kissed to know how much I drink. " Win grinned.

Bright widened his eyes and darted his head over to face the younger. " You're the son of my boss? "

" Yep. " Win was still smiling, ear to ear.

" Holy shit. " Bright muttered. " I'm gonna lose my job. "

" No, you're not. " Win rolled his eyes.

" If your dad finds out we kissed, I'll be unemployed. "

" Shh.. " Win stepped closer to the older and backing him against the wall. " He won't find out. "

Bright's mind was reeling with all the negative things that could happen if he let Win continued kissing him and feeling up his torso, but he was also thinking how bad he wanted Win too.

" Fuck it. " Bright breathed, reattaching his mouth with Win's.

Win's kisses began trailed down his neck and chest. Soft kisses being sponged down his stomach until they reached the button of his pants. Win tugged down the zipper slowly as Bright's head fell back against the wall.

" I'm so losing my job. "

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