20 | The Day

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Cr. to owner of the pics
And this is just a short drabble since the day Papa Wanchai decided to break the internet 😭 This is not very good but I just want to post in anyway 😭😭😭 *I am not recovered yet 😭


" I want to try, be active on social medias. " Papa Wanchai said so sudden, during the family dinner.

Sure, being schoked was an understatement since everyone knew well how private Papa Wanchai was. Sharing something in social medias was not a thing that Papa Waanchai used to do.

Even Win and his siblings widened their eyes hearing that.

" What makes you interested, Papa? " Ming asked, chuckling in disbelief.

" All my children is well known now, I just want to lurk around and see your activities. Even Charlotte, Bentley and Cartier have a fan club. Who knows, I will have one? " Papa Wanchai replied, giggling to himself.

" Plus, I maybe want to clarify some things. " Papa Wanchai gave one of his sons a meaningful look and he must said, his son was blushing hard right now.

" What is that, Teerak? " Mama Ole inquired, she was confused.

" Just something. "


" What the hell? " Bright dropped his phone instantly, terribly nervous after saw the never-ending notifications. Sure, he was used to uncountable notifs everyday, from the fans of course. But today, it was different. It was FREAKING DIFFERENT.

His breath hitched, his eyes widened, his mouth was agape, and to conclude, he was trembling hard.

" I must be dreaming? Okay, Bright.. Time to wake up! " Bright slapped himself few times, he even pinched his hand before a familiar hand finally stopped him.

" What's the matter, Phi? Why are you hurting yourself? " Win, who was panicking since the moment Bright screamed, asked.

They both were at a particular restaurant, having lunch together since they just got back from the photoshoot.

They were waiting for their orders when they both decided to check their Instagram and Twitter. And that's when a shocking moment hit Bright.

Bright just shook his head. He couldn't say anything. He believed this was too good to be true. It was a fantasy. He needed to wake up.

Win moved to sit beside the older, he stroked Bright's back soothingly before giving him a glass of water.

" Drink first, Phi? "

" Now, breath normally. Inhale. Exhale. "

And Bright did what Win said.

" Feeling better? "

" A little bit. "

" Wanna share? "

Bright inhaled a huge amount of air before nodding his head. " Your father.... "

" Umm.. what's with Papa? Did he says something to you? " Win asked in confusion,  he was pretty sure that Papa didn't say anything about pursuing or confronting Bright anytime soon.

" H-he follows me. "

" Huh? He is here? He follows us? "

" No, I mean... he follows my instagram! "

" Papa did?! What the hell? "

" Yes, what the hell! He even spams my notifs by liking every 1140 photos! "

They fell into a pregnant pause, were confused why Papa Wanchai decided to do that.

Even Win didn't follow his father yet, he thought his father was joking during the family dinner.

And a sudden realization hit them. That's the moment they both knew, Bright was one of Opas-Iamkajorns by now.


" Mae! Mae! " Bright ran as fast as he could, rushing to hug his mother. He almost stumbled at the door. And by now, he was crying all out, expressing his feelings in his mother's arms.

" Shush, son. You did well, you did well. " Sure, she didn't know the context but she was beyond more than proud of whatever Bright did. Seeing his son like this was not a new thing, she saw every single journey and she was there in every little steps. So, if Bright felt like a loser by now, she wanted his son to know that Bright was already did great.

It took one hour before Bright finally calmed down and mae finally had chance to ask his son. " What's the matter, son? "

" Mae... I.. I am happy. "

" Hm? "

" Win's dad... "

And Bright told his mother about what happened, he thought he was still imagining things so he even asked his mother to check it again, whether it's true that Papa Wanchai really did that.

And Mae burst into a big laughter, shaking his head in amusement.

" Mae! Why are you laughing?! " Bright pouted. Didn't she knew Bright was trembling hard since then?

" Aww, my baby.. You are so cute... But that reaction is priceless! I almost thought something bad did happened to you. "

Bright pouted even deeper. He hit his mother's arm lightly before Mae pulled his son to hug him tighter.

" You did great, son. Your effort surely paid off. Now, it's time for you to be happy. It's time for you to shine even brighter, okay? Now, don't cry like that again, I was shocked for a moment. "

" Mae... "

" Don't cry again, son. You did very well and maybe that's why my in-laws want to show you off to the world, he is proud of you."

" Oh, I guess that's why my phone won't stop vibrating since then, I wonder what would happen if I follow my in-laws too? Would it break the internet? "

" Mae! "

" Mae! "

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I've just realised that I spell Papa's name wrongly 😭 Why theres no one correct me, I'm sorry 🙏🏻

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