10 | Just An Usual Night

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" P'Bai? " A quiet voice asked from slightly above him. Bright cracked one eye open, not having been asleep anyway.

Bright didn't need to ask what Win was doing on his bed at a quarter to eleven- not that it was super late.

Working day and night had taken a toll on all the lads, and after returning from the shootings, they would all normally crashed onto their beds. Not Bright and Win though.

They, including the crews were at Phuket, filming more scenes for their upcoming series. And both of them had different separate beds and it's not helping at all.

Bright smiled and scooted over against the wall, leaving some room for the latter. Win grinned and crawled under the covers, resting his head on Bright's shoulder.

It wasn't anything unusual, they were dating after all. But no one else but them knew. Sure, the others would had to be oblivious to not suspect anything, what with their constant touching and all.

" Couldn't sleep, bunny? " Bright asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

" Shut it. " Win playfully slapped his lover's chest.

" Metawin! " Bright feigned shock. " Is this how you treated all the lads back home? I cannot believe you. "

Win's cheeks turned pink. Giggling, he pressed his face into Bright's chest as the older boy smiled. Long fingers began to softly play with Win's hair.

" Hmm.. Feels so good, P'Bai." Win moaned, not realising how dirty that sounded until the words left his mouth. Immediately, his face burned warmer as Bright simply caressed Win's head back and cackled.

" Stop laughing! "

But Bright didn't care less,

Pouting, Win turned around, " If all you're going to do is pick on me then I think I just might go back to my own bed and go cuddle with P'Nani. "

That shut Bright up. He leaned back over and practically pulled the younger to his chest and spoke in a soft, comforting voice.

" No, you're mine. My baby. " The words made Win's lips quirked into a huge grin.

" As long as you are mine, P'Bai. " Win whispered, gently playing with the hem of Bright's shirt.

" Always. " Bright showered some kisses to Win's shoulder, before laughing audibly.

" Damn, we indeed sappy. "

Win snuggled closer. " I don't care. "

" Of course you don't. " Bright pretended to be snappy, but the affection he felt was evident in his voice.

There were several beats of silence then, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Bright's arm was draped against Win's waist as the latter clasped their fingers together, pressing tiny kisses to his hands.

Breaking the silence, Win quietly spoke. " The fans are starting the rumors again. About us. " Not like they were wrong though.

Sighing lightly, Bright timidly asked. "They're not mean, aren't they? "

Of course Bright knew about this. He hadn't been able to stop his own squeal when he saw BrightWin was trending once again in Twitter. But that not hide the fact that hate always came with a great gain of some sort.

Win shrugged. " No, not really- I don't mind being called a simp and gay, I mean- I am. It's just... I understand you're not always comfortable. "

It was true. Sure, maybe there had been a few boys who made Bright questioned his sexuality, but up until he met Win, Bright had just always assumed that he was straight. It wasn't as hard to accept as much as others may had thought, after all- it was Win- but he still wasn't as confident as he wished he could be.

But Win understood, hell, of course he did, and there was no pushing. He just understood.

Barely audible, Bright whispered. "I love you. "

Win could feel the pitter patter in his stomach, he was never gonna get used to any sudden confession from Bright. And a smile lit up his features, " I love you more, P'Bai. "

Bright's heart soared. He nuzzled his nose against the back of Win's neck, resulting a cute giggle from the younger.

Smirking to himself, Bright pinched Win's stomach, making the latter squirmed as he fought to contain the sounds.

" Stop it, P'. " Win grumbled but Bright had a strong grip on him.

" Nope. " Bright replied and leaned over, fluttering his eyelashes against Win's cheek, grinning evilly as the boy withered uncomfortably at the touch.

" Baibaiii.... " Win tried to crane his neck but Bright pushed him closer.

" Winnieee.. " Bright mocked back, not being able to hold himself, Bright brushed a few stray fringes out of the way.

Leaning forward, Bright pressed his lips against the side of Win's neck, and blew a loud and obnoxious raspberry against the milky white skin.

Win screeched loudly, forgetting the fact that they were not the only one in the room. But the soft snores heard relieved him out.

But, hey, he had to remind himself the entire room could be burning and Dew, one of the casts wouldn't give a single shit.

" P'Bai.. " Win whined. " You're so mean to me. "

" But I love you. " Bright pointed out. "Doesn't that count for something? "

" It shouldn't. " Win muttered, but snuggled closer to Bright anyway. "Please, just no more tickles. "

" Fine. " Bright huffed dramatically, "It's just your squeals are so cute and I can't help myself.. I want to bite you sometimes."

Bright gave a peck on Win's lips who was now blushing so hard.

" Best sleep now, love." Bright whispered. "We have a long day of scenes to shoot tomorrow."

Win nodded, his eyes were half closed. "Goodnight, P'Bai..."

Bright smiled fondly. " Night, Win."

Bright tightened his hold on Win and closed his own lids, allowing the drowsiness to overcome his senses.

Urmm.. Domestic night, as always.

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