14 | Norm: Homophobic

410 31 6

101 ways how to handle Karens 😎 . Anyways, quick question: Guess who got butterflies watching the sneak peak from yesterday event? Yes, absolutely me 😭😭


Bright hummed softly to himself as he intertwined his fingers with Win's. Win smirked at the action and spun Bright around to face him. As they stood in the middle of the sidewalk, Win got on his toes to press his lips against Bright's.

"That never gets old. " Win muttered as he attempted to regain his breath after pulling away.

"Your lips are the sweetest."

Win shook his head and grinned before kissing Bright again. His fingers made their way into Bright's jet-black hair as he pulled Bright closer.


Both boys turned towards the cough, disappointed to be interrupt. Bright straightened his leather jacket as Win quirked an eyebrow. They both had a strong reputation around the town, their mischievous attitudes helped them wreak havoc throughout the city as Win challenged toxic masculinity and Bright did whatever he could do to agitate the homophobes.

"Can we help you? " Bright asked as he eyed the middle-aged woman in front of them.

Win stood silently beside him with his not-so-bright lipstick and perfectly manicured nails. He waved politely at the tiny girl that was holding her mum's hand.

"Don't wave at my daughter, you disgrace. "

"Don't call my boyfriend a disgrace." Bright whispered, his eyes going dark.

"Are you sure that's a boy? He's wearing makeup. "

Win rolled his eyes at the comment. It was nothing he wasn't used to hear already. Well, he loved being pretty.

"You must be new here. I'm Win Metawin, you'll hear about me a lot, and this is my darling lover, P'Bai. He can be tad scary sometimes, so I suggest you step away. " Win responded, grinning at the woman.

Bright put his arm around Win's waist and squeezed in agreement.

"Well, I don't appreciate you promoting this behaviour in public. "

"What behaviour? " Bright started. "You mean this? "

Bright wrapped his arms around Win's neck and pulled him down into a passionate kiss. Win smiled into it as his own arms found their way to Bright's waist.

"Disgusting. "

Her words went unnoticed as Bright tangled his fingers into Win's hair.

"Whatever. Come on. We're going home. They'll get what they deserve."

"It was nice to meet you! "

Win pulled away and beamed at the little girl. He crouched down to meet her height before shaking her hand.

"Hi, what's your name? "

"Lily. "

"Lovely name. Lily, you do whatever makes you happy, okay? Even if it means being different like me and Bright. But also ignore him because right now he's lecturing your mother and she looks quite upset. "

Lily giggled before nodding. Win winked at her before standing up and stepping towards his lover.

" P'Bai, I'm bored now. "

Bright grinned and waved goodbye to Lily and her infuriated mum. Hand-in-hand they walked down the street, eagerly awaiting their next conflict.

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