27 | Zingy Soccer Player

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Win walked down the steps of the bleachers, greeted by his bestfriend, Ohm who sat off to the side.

When Ohm saw Win was walking towards him, he gave Win his funny face before they were hugging each other. " Bro! " They both said in unison.

" Hey, What's up? "

" Nothing much. It's kinda chilly. " Win zipped up his jacket and stuffed his hands into the pockets. He focused his attention to the soccer match taking place on the field.

Currently, Win's high school team was on the lead. He clapped his hand in enthusiasm as one of the player, Kanawut scored another goal.

The team ran to him as they rejoiced, and that made Win's vision pivoted to another player who was giving a hug and did a corny handshake with Kanawut. It was Bright, the team's leader.

As Bright ran back to his position, Win can't help but to admire him from a far. His hair pulled back into a tiny ponytail and it made the intimidating look guy even cuter.

" You are obviously staring at the captain. " Ohm remarked, chuckling in disbelief.

" No. I'm not. " Win quickly moved his head towards the one who had the ball. " I just zoned out. " Win defended.

" Okay... " Ohm said hesitantly, not fully believing his friend.

" Go, Nanon! " Ohm cheered on his boyfriend. Ohm and Nanon had been dating for two years, since they were in sophomore day.

They always dragged both Win and Bright wherever they were. Too bad, both Bright and Win didn't catch feelings towards each other (at least that's what they thought), so it was never considered as double date like Ohm and Nanon always wanted.

Win's eyes shifted back to Bright, who threw the ball down the side of the field. " You guys would be adorable together. " Ohm noticed his friend was looking towards the captain once again.

" I don't know. " The blood rushed to Win's cheeks and butterflies erupted in his stomach. He had never really felt that way about Bright before, and it was confusing. " I don't even know what I feel towards him. "

" Well, there's only one way to find out. " Ohm nudged his shoulder, chuckling to himself.


It was half time break, and the score was 2-1. Win zoned out once again but Ohm elbowed him, trying to seek for Win's attention. " Look. " Ohm nodded his head towards the players who sat on the bench.

Nanon and Bright were looking at their direction as Nanon blew a flying kiss to his boyfriend and as cringey as it sounded, Ohm caught it and put it in his heart.

Ew. People in love stinked.

Nanon waved to Win and Win reciprocated the actions before he saw Nanon was whispering something in Bright's ear. Bright made eye contact with Win with smirk playing on his lips and waved in enthusiasm before they turned around to focus on their team once again.

" Bet they were talking about me. " Win exclaimed as Ohm shrugged his shoulders and smiled widely.


The game was over, both Ohm and Win waited for the other two at the parking lot. The sight of the two players urged Win to push himself off the car door and went up to congratulate them.

" Good game! " Win yelled, jogging a lil bit to meet them in half way.

Win threw and sneaked his arms around Bright, brought him into a big hug despite Bright's sweaty attire.

" Thanks. " Bright whispered softly into Win's ear. " Sorry I'm all sweaty. "

" Oh, no worries. " Win removed himself from Bright's grip and went to hug Nanon, patting him on the back. " Great job, Non. "

Ohm embraced his lover into a tight hug before they were making out shamelessly in the parking lot as Bright and Win stood there awkwardly waiting for them to stop eating each other.

Win couldn't stand it anymore, he kicked the ground and Bright faked a cough, and thankfully it managed to make them stopped.

" Oh, sorry. " Ohm giggled, and Nanon shrugged as he looked fondly at his boyfriend. " You guys wanna get some food? " Nanon suggested.

" I could go for some food. " Bright patted his stomach.

" What about you? " Bright put his arm around Win's shoulder.

" Sure. "


Win sat down on the cheap leather that covered the booth in the fast food restaurant. Scooting to the end, Bright decided to sit beside him.. closer than he could ever imagined. Bright's knee bumped against Win's and it made his heart fluttered eagerly.

As they were chatting casually, waiting for their food, Win felt a sudden warmth lingered around his pinky finger that rested on the booth. Win looked down only to find out Bright's hand touching his.

A questioning look plastered on Win's face as he moved his hand closer to himself. Few minutes later, Bright's hand fully engulfed Win's with the comfortable warmth. Bright's soft fingers slided through Win's tiny ones. That small gestured succeed to make Win's heart beat erratically.

Win's brain was yelling at himself to unlace the knot between their fingers, but his heart was yearning for more of Bright's touch.

So, Win squeezed Bright's hand softly, showing him that Win didn't had any plans of letting go. At least for this time,

Short drabble based on this interactions hehe :

Short drabble based on this interactions hehe :

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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