↠Web drama alt. (Dojaewoo)

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Triangle (?): Yoon Jaehyuk, Park Jeongwoo and Kim Doyoung

 I was re-watching the web drama and I felt bad for our dobby and Junghwanie. So I'm making an alternate ending for both of the couples I guess. I portray the drama as more of a BL type of drama than bromance so just a heads up. Enjoy.


Kim Doyoung and Kim Junkyu, The two identical twins that entered Treasure academy already found themselves stuck in between the 5 treasures that everyone worshipped aka T-5.

Doyoung knew the T-5 were trouble as soon as they saw them for the first time.

"Junkyu-yah, don't get too close to them. If anyone bothers you tell me okay?" He told his naïve younger brother who just smiled and nodded in response to his over protective brother.

 He promised himself to keep his guard up and protect his brother from them and their possible shenanigans. 

However, Doyoung found himself becoming friends with the out going class president Yoon Jaehyuk. 

"Feeling awkward?" the boy asked Doyoung with a bright smile.

"Mm yes because it's still my first day," said Doyoung still feeling cautious of the boy.

"Oh! Well if you need anything certainly ask me! I'll help you. And by the way this is Jeongwoo," he said referring to the boy sitting next to him with a frown. Doyoung just bowed to them and said a small thank you to Jaehyuk before turning back around.

"Junkyu Let's go?" Doyoung called out to his brother who had a blush on his face, which all though the latter noticed didn't question.

"Yes let's go!" said Junkyu with a happy tone.

"Wait Doyoung!" called a voice.

Doyoung identified the voice to be Jaehyuk's. The boy had been talking to him non-stop, not that Doyoung complained. The two could now be considered friends.

"Would you like to hangout later?" asked Jaehyuk with hopeful eyes. Doyoung thought for a minute and replied "Sure but I have piano practice right now,"

"That's fine! Come to the gangam bus station at 6 then! text me when you get there!" said Jaehyuk waving to the two while Doyoung threw up an Okay sign and waving back.

"I thought you told me to stay away from them?" said Junkyu teasing his brother. Doyoung rolled his eyes and hit hits brother's head making the other whine and pout. "As though you listened to me. They aren't as bad as I thought I guess, Jaehyuk's quite nice. We even went shopping together once when we bumped into each other at the mall when you refused to go with me. He knows the best restaurants around too. As expected from the son of the CEO's of the best food delivery services son " said Doyoung with a chuckle.

"Okay let's hurry up before Mr. yang calls mom or dad that we are missing because you were day dreaming over a guy" said Junkyu which earned a glare from Doyoung.

After two hours of non-stop practice the two finally were allowed to head home.

"My finger's may fall off before the competition," said Junkyu shaking his hand in attempts to soothe the pain.

"Stop being dramatic. Use my cream I'm sure you have no idea where you kept yours," said Doyoung while handing his brother a tube from his bag. The two then reached the bus station at Gangam.

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