↠make it worse (Sukhoon)

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Pairing: Choi Hyunsuk and Park Jihoon.

Jihoon fights with his friend and Hyunsuk tries to comfort him. Inspired by sad shit ✌


Jihoon was one of the strongest people Hyunsuk knew, not physically but mentally (although he was physically as well). He was always mature, although at first glance it might not seem like it, he would always take care of those around him and he was never the kind of person to cry for simple reasons.

Which is why it baffled Hyunsuk when Jihoon came back home sobbing behind his mask. Obviously, Hyunsuk's first instinct was to comfort the boy. But Jihoon said he wanted to be alone for a minute and stepped into the shower. He still hadn't come out and Hyunsuk had been pacing around the room they shared.

Jihoon had gone out earlier that evening to Junkyu's house. So why was Jihoon crying? Hyunsuk decided to call Junkyu incase he knew anything. But Junkyu didn't pick his phone up. Which made Hyunsuk roll his eyes. What else did he expect from the boy?

Hyunsuk decided to wait for Jihoon to come out while he sat to over think about what could possibly have made Jihoon cry. Maybe they watched a movie and it was sad? It wouldn't be surprising if it was the reason since Jihoon did cry easily for movies that touched him. But that wouldn't explain why Jihoon said he wanted to be alone. If it was in fact a movie making him emotional, then he would have sulked to Hyunsuk about it immediately rather than be alone. 

As Hyunsuk was deep in thought he heard the shower stop. After a minute or so Jihoon exited the bathroom with a sullen face. Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon who had stopped crying for the time being. 

Jihoon came and flopped himself on the bed in front of Hyunsuk knowing he would now be interrogated by Hyunsuk.

"Care to explain why you were crying?" asked Hyunsuk as he ran his fingers through Jihoon's hair. Jihoon turned to face Hyunsuk. His eyes started to water again as he thought about what had just happened. 

Hyunsuk immediately pulled Jihoon into his embrace. Now Hyunsuk was sure something serious had happened.  Hyunsuk patted Jihoon's back as the other tried to stop crying, which he did after a while.

He had red eyes from the tears. Hyunsuk wanted to coo at how adorable Jihoon looked but he knew it wasn't the time for that. Jihoon wiped his tears with his hands as he took a breath in trying to calm down.

"what happened?" Hyunsuk asked again wanting to get to the problem.

"We fought. Badly," said Jihoon.

"You and Junkyu?" asked Hyunsuk. Jihoon nodded a little. 

Hyunsuk was surprised. Of course Junkyu and Jihoon had a Tom and jerry relationship, they would always have little 'fights', but they had never had a major one. Always either one of them would give up or the both might just get lazy to fight and drop the topic. 

"Was it that bad?" asked Hyunsuk.

Jihoon nodded and truthfully answered "I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't want to talk to me again," 

Hyunsuk knew this wasn't true. No matter how big of a problem had occurred, the two could never be separated. "You said stuff you didn't mean did you?" asked Hyunsuk rubbing Jihoon's knee.

"I told him what I thought about his 'boyfriend'," said Jihoon using air quotations. 

Hyunsuk sighed. He knew Jihoon didn't like his best friend's boyfriend. It wasn't for childish reasons. The man was a player.  But he changed drastically after he fell for Junkyu. He stopped messing around. But Jihoon never liked him. Jihoon thinks Junkyu was some bet the guy's friends gave him. He didn't trust Junkyu with him.

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