↠Roomies? (Dohoon)

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Couple: Kim Doyoung and Park Jihoon

Requested by : @hahayouaresuchalier

Dohoon is such a rare ship. But they are so precious. My silver boys <3


Kim Doyoung.

 A freshman in College who also happens to live in the dorms of the college. At the start Doyoung was absolutely against the idea. He went as far as clinging onto his brothers leg when he tried to leave Doyoung there alone.

"Hyung please take me back!" Doyoung pleaded. Junkyu just rolled his eyes at his dramatic brother. "Dobby-ah I have to go! Asahi would be waiting for me," he says.

"Hyung I can't survive alone! I'm too childish," Doyoung said.

Junkyu sat on the floor with his brother. "Dobby I know your childish but you need to learn to live alone. Besides I would take you home if I could, But the uni requires you to stay at the dorm. But I'll visit you often," he said.

"Just say you want to be alone with Asahi hyung," Doyoung said scrunching his nose. Junkyu just hit his head.

"If you don't visit at least twice a week I'm jumping over the fence," Doyoung threatened.

"Yes Doyoung-nim I will visit you twice a week so you don't get into drama. Besides it won't be that bad. You will have a room mate!" said Junkyu.

This made Doyoung look forward to it a little bit. Junkyu some how managed to escape Doyoung and go back home. Doyoung's dreams about his said room mate came crashing down once he met the guy.

Park Jihoon, a cold and rude guy but extremely good looking. The first time the two met Jihoon essentially glared at Doyoung for breathing too loud. Jihoon too was forced to stay at the dorms. In their offense the dorms did suck. Filled with bugs and no proper water heaters.

Doyoung absolutely hated people like Jihoon. Like would it kill them to smile? Doyoung and Jihoon didn't get along to say the least. Their dorm was named the noisiest in the whole block. No amount of noise complaints seemed to help. Everyone gave up on them.

"FUCKING PARK JIHOON HOW DARE YOU?!" screamed Doyoung. Jihoon rolled his eyes annoyed.

"What?" he asked non-chantly.

"You ate my ice cream! The one MY brother got for me!" Doyoung said. This might be a trivial matter to some but Doyoung loved, and I mean loved his ice-cream.

"I'll get you another one later. God," 

"I want it now you idiot!"

"Well your not getting it brat," 

Doyoung stormed towards the kitchen and grabbed something. "Well as a pay back so good-bye to your tangerines," said Doyoung smirking as he rushed to his room. Jihoon widened his eyes.

"NO YOU DON'T! KIM DOYOUNG OPEN YOUR FUCKING DOOR!" Jihoon screamed as he pounded on Doyoung's door but got no response. 

After 15 minutes he left frustrated as Doyoung smirked in victory.

"I feel so single," Complained Doyoung to Yedam. Yedam just laughed. " All you talk about is Hyunsuk hyung and I can't stand Junkyu hyung and Asahi hyung either," He continued.

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