↠(10k special) Boyfriend (Harukyu)

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Pairing: Watanbe Haruto and KimJunkyu.

Inspired by the song Boyfriend by Dove Cameron Because she's an icon. And seriously, never expected to have 10k views ever in my life lol. So thank you guys so so much for this. 


(OST for this very short story is Boyfriend by Dove Cameron)


A gorgeous young man with milky white skin and a pretty face along with a cute personality. Almost everyone knew who he was and of course, cooed over him at least once in their uni life.  It wasn't hard to fall in love with him at all, according to Haruto. 

Haruto himself wasn't too bad, handsome face, a physique to die for, and a cold but warm personality. Typical with any main character of mangas, In fact, he could definitely pass as one. He was well known for being the campus crush.

But then why was it so hard for Haruto to approach the boy named Junkyu? 

The answer was simply because Junkyu had a boyfriend. Quite tragic if you asked most. And since Junkyu was an introvert he had a very hard time mingling with other people. So he stuck to the same group of people.

His boyfriend Jongho  And his friends Hyunsuk, Byunggon, Jihoon and Seunghun. He was also the type of person who was afraid to approach new people. So he wasn't even aware of his surroundings. 

Haruto himself was an introvert too but he was definitely more social than Junkyu. He wasn't afraid to approach anyone, it was rather that he didn't want to. But he never approached Junkyu. He too wasn't sure why. But it was something about never wanting to talk to Jongho Junkyu's so called boyfriend. The two of them never were friends. They had some unspoken enmity due to classes. But neither of them said it out loud, neither did they act up on it. 

Haruto wasn't even sure if Junkyu knew who he was, there was a chance he did because Haruto was really friendly with Hyunsuk since they both worked on musical projects together often. Haruto was also well acquainted with Byunggon.

Haruto chose to hangout with a small group of people like Junkyu. Asahi, Jaehyuk, Jeongwoo and Yoshi. But he did have other friends like Byunggon and Hyunsuk. And so mingling was easier for him.

And this lead to him in this crowded room with people who reeked of the smell of sweat and alcohol. He was sitting at a party after he was pulled to come by his friends. It's not that he hated the person whose party it was, rather he knew he would end up bored since he hated parties.

He sat with a bored expression between Asahi and Jeongwoo who were having a conversation with the others. Haruto of course tried to join in, but years of blasting rock music in his ears definitely messed with his ears. He could barely hear his friends over the loud noise, he didn't want to irritate them by asking them to repeat each sentence 5 times. 

He tried entertaining himself by surfing on his phone, but that too quickly got very boring. He tried playing a game but his phone screen was too small for him to play comfortably with. He wanted to leave but didn't have his license so he would have to drag one of his friends along. But they all seemed to be enjoying the party , so he didn't want to bother them.

He stared into the vast sea of people in front of him. He saw people shamelessly dancing and screaming in coherent words. He wasn't going to judge them since everyone had their own definition of fun. 

He looked a little further and saw a scene that intrigued him.

Junkyu and Jongho.

This would be pretty normal usually, but recently Haruto hadn't seen the two together. Junkyu was always with Jihoon or the others. It was to the point that Haruto speculated that the two had parted ways, much to his sorrow they seemed not to have.

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