↠Switched pt1 (Harukyu and Jaesahi)

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Pairing: Kim Junkyu and Watanbe Haruto

                 Yoon Jaehyuk and Hamada Asahi

I was thinking about making this into a book on it's own. So I'm posting this story, If ya'll like it let me know if you want the whole story as a 2-3 part in this book or a whole separate book.


Today was a hectic for the Hamada family. 

The eldest, Asahi was getting married. And in the world of CEO's, marriages are taken very seriously. It's a thing of pride, to show off their wealth and family. The Hamada family's marriage was the first marriage in the next generation of CEO's. And this is considered to be a great honor. A lot of their competitors were mad about this but couldn't openly express it. Fake smiles.

Haruto was running around making sure everything was perfectly set for his brother's big day since he knew how important it was to his family that everything went perfect. Their mother and father were pre occupied with gossip and making everything look like a million bucks. It's not like they were horrible parents, they just cared too much about images. Being from a rich family they were always were in the view of the media. Sometimes this even resulted in their feelings being hurt. Asahi grew numb to it but Haruto couldn't. 

Haruto was thrilled when Asahi told him about his engagement to Jaehyuk. The two had been dating for almost 6 years. Jaehyuk wasn't as well off as their family but their parents didn't care much. Although the 2 brothers were forced to give up and do certain things their parents didn't interfere in their love lives. Which the 2 were thankful for.

Haruto himself wasn't single either, he too had a boyfriend he loved dearly. Kim Junkyu, Haruto's favorite person. In his eyes, Junkyu was his only muse. He always held the other dear to him. He wouldn't be able to forget the love he had for Junkyu even if the latter broke his soul.

Haruto reached the room where Asahi was getting ready. He knocked and entered. Asahi looked at his brother who just came in. Asahi let out a deep sigh. He was very nervous about today. He knew there were an endless number of things that could go wrong today and there was nothing they could do about it. He really wanted today to go well. Haruto patted Asahi's back. "Is there anything that's missing?" he asked.

"Could you get me some sugar? I think I'm going to faint," said Asahi. Haruto nodded and said "Sure I'll go get you those cupcakes. Don't stress out. It'll go well," Asahi smiled at Haruto's attempt to calm him.

Haruto left the building to get the cupcake as his phone rang. He looked at the caller tag and smiled.

"Ruto where are you?" asked Junkyu in a worried tone.

"Hi-kun asked me to get him some sugar I'm going to buy that. Why? miss me already?" asked Haruto smirking.

"Your so full of yourself but not wrong," said Junkyu. Haruto could almost hear Junkyu's pout through the screen.

"I'll be back in 2 baby, So don't worry," said Haruto smiling. 

"Sure but be quick I think the ceremony is starting soon," said Junkyu slightly concerned.

"Okay I'll be there soon," said Haruto before hanging up.

Haruto reached the bakery that was a little farther away than he expected. He waited for4 minutes just for a single cup cake. He took out his phone to look at the time, that's when he realized his phone was dead. He groaned and ruffled his hair. He took the box with the pastry and rushed to the venue. He had his window open as he drove.

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