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They finished their coffees, and Alina finished her muffin. The two of them went and walked back to Aleksander's frat house so he could get his car. The silver Aston Martin was parked not far from the frat house, and Alina couldn't help but be intimidated as she was slid into the passenger seat. "What year is it?" she asked him once she got in. "I know nothing about cars, but Dad always liked looking at vintage ones."

Aleksander smiled. "1964. My Dad was a real car junkie, and he liked collecting ones from films. Mom donated most of them off to film museums when Dad died, but she let me keep this one because she knew it was my favorite."

"Are you telling me this because you think it will make me sympathetic and change my end of the bet?" Alina asked.

Aleksander laughed as he closed his car door. "I mean, I'm an asshole, but I'm not that much of an asshole, Starkov."

She smiled. "Good. I might really have to kill you then if you were. You know, for the good of humanity."

"So, where do you normally shop?"

"I mean...I don't."

Aleksander furrowed his brows together as he drove. "Not even for like back to school clothes?"

"Mrs. Oretsev got me some things when I first started school, and sometimes I'll go to thrift store or something, but I work part time as a tutor because of school. I'm not exactly rolling in dollar bills. I've got a budget, and a very small one."

Aleksander cleared his throat. "Right. Okay. I know where I'm taking you."


"Hey. No fighting. I'm supposed to be the one that's impressing you, right?" he said. "Lean into it. Let me impress you."

"Okay, but its gym clothes. Like how expensive can they be?"

Aleksander said nothing, and kept on driving in silence, which left Alina squirming. She was not used to people spending money on her. Because she was used to not having anything. Alina had spent the past several years of her life being used to leaving a place at a moments notice, and not getting attached to anything given to her because it might be taken away. She seriously considered telling Aleksander to take her back and put the whole thing off.

But Aleksander drove too fast and before she knew it Aleksander had pulled up, to of all places, Saks. Alina stared from the fancy store to Aleksander, certain that he had driven to the wrong place. "You can't be serious."

Aleksander shrugged. "I've got an account here. Well, my mom does and she has me on there. So."

"Morozova, just take me to Target or something like a normal person. You don't have to show off and be fancy. I don't need to be----"

"Impressed?" Aleksander said. "I think you've forgotten the whole point of this little endeavor. I am supposed to be impressing you. Let me impress you. Okay?"

Alina blushed. "Fine."

They got out of the car together and headed into the store. Alina gasped as they pushed through the doors. "Um no. No. I can't. This is absolutely too much. Nope. I am not letting you spend any money on me in a place like this. I've got to draw the line somewhere, don't I? This is like over the top. This is----"

Aleksander reached out and grabbed her by her hand. Alina froze at his touch. She found Aleksander standing right behind him, his body pressed up to hers. "I told you that you were the best girl, Alina. I know because I happen to be the fucking best."

Alina snorted. "You are so----"

"Arrogant, I know. But arrogance is part of how I get what I want, because I don't only believe that I am deserve something, I know it. You are the best girl I could possibly have. Beautiful, intelligent, sweet. If I'm the best, and I want you, then you deserve the fucking best. Wouldn't you say, Alina?"

Alina's heart was racing against her chest, and she wondered if Aleksander could hear it. His breath was against her neck, and she could feel his cock pressing into her backside, needy with desire. He reached out and traced both of her wrists lightly. "I still say that I would be fine going somewhere not as intimidating. Girls like me don't shop at places like this. The staff is going to look at me weird, they're going to talk snippily about my clothes. Can we please just go somewhere that I would find a little bit more comfortable? Please. This place is-----"

"Take a look around, Alina. This place is expensive and high end. And this place is your future. Don't worry about what the fucking salesgirls say. Besides, I'll spend enough that they'll shut the fuck up when you're there. Or I'll pay them to shut the fuck up. Either way, you know?"

Alina blushed. "You are absolutely, and totally insane. You know that?"

Aleksander shrugged. "If showing someone I care about them by getting them what they deserve is insane, then I don't want to be right. Come on, Starkov. What do you say? Let me spoil you. Let me impress you. Let me show you what you really, truly deserve huh?"

Alina sighed. "I don't know where you get that I deserve the best. I'm a little orphan nobody."

"Only because you've let other people tell you that. I'm telling you different. Because the truth is everyone deserves the best but the world is set up in such a way it makes you think you can't have it. Come with me and take it Starkov. What do you say, sweetheart?"

She scoffed. "I'm not your sweetheart, Morozova."

He grinned. "Not yet. But you will be."

"Because I'm the best and you get the best?"

He winked at her. "You're catching on. Come on. Let's go do some damage, huh?" Then he took her hand, and dragged her through the store. 

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