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"We've got a problem." Genya found her in the cafeteria one day, when she was having lunch in between her classes.

"What kind of problem?"

"Zoya says that Mal's coming back."

Alina had been taking a sip of her soda, and she spat it out. "What are you talking about?"

"Zoya says that Mal is coming back. She says that apparently, he's done well in rehab, and that he's recovered, and that his parents worked it out with the university so he could finish up the semester. He's been doing his work online, I guess. So he won't even be behind."

"No, no, no," Alina said, "he wasn't supposed to come back until next year and then it would already be too late, and he wouldn't be able to do anything."

"I mean, you are pregnant and living in sin with his cousin/most hated enemy."

Alina bit her lip. "Well, then he's going to find out. I don't care."

"You don't? You don't care that the guy you've spent half of your life pining for who suddenly told you that he wanted to be with you before he left for rehab is going to find out that you are pregnant, living in sin----"

"Will you please stop saying living in sin? We're not living in sin."

"You're not married. You're pregnant. You are-----"

Alina shook her head. "I don't care. He lied to me for years, Genya. He used me. He lost the right to care what I do with my life when he decided that he was going to spy to me."

"Okay, but he's going to come back in a few weeks and he's going to want to see you. How are you going to explain everything to him?"

"I'll be honest and direct. I fucked your cousin, and I'm having his baby."

Genya stared at her with wide eyes. "Did you just say fuck?"

"Honestly Gen, I'm not a Disney character the way everyone seems to think I am. I've sworn before."

"I know, but you're good, little Alina. It's not like you. I like it." Genya smiled. "I think Aleks has given you a bit of a backbone."

Alina shook her head. "I always had one, I just didn't know how to use it, I guess."

"Well," she said, "I wanted to tell you before Zoya did. You know how smug she is about being with Mal, and I didn't want you and baby Starkovoza to be stressed. I wouldn't be a good aunt if I let that happen now, would I?"

Alina smiled. "You're brilliant, Gen. Thank you for telling me. I'll handle it myself. Actually, Aleks and me will handle it together. Mal's going to be family the baby too, anyway."

Genya cackled. "I guess you're right. Ooof. Talk about a punishment for him. The girl he ignored for years that was in love with him is having his cousins' kid."

Alina shrugged. "His loss."

Genya smirked. "There's my girl."

Alina finished eating and chatted with Genya for a bit. The two of them walked out and Alina was about to head over to the football field to meet Aleksander so they could go home. Just as the two of them were about to part, Alina heard her name being called. She looked over to see Jarl Brum standing there. The man that broken into her and Aleksander's home during Christmas. Alina froze when she saw him.

"Alina," said Genya, "are you okay?"

"Genya, we need to go." Alina walked over to where her friend stood.

Jarl Brum called her name again. "Alina, you have missed your appointed with the prince and he is very upset. Your fiancé is not a man to be kept waiting."

Alina turned to glare at him. "I already told you. I don't want anything to do with my family, or this engagement. I'm with Aleksander, and no one is going to make me leave him. Tell your prince to leave me alone."

"He's not going to stop until he gets what he wants. Your parents took something from his family, and he's determined to get that back to him. He will get what he deserves."

"I'm not a thing that he deserves. I am a person, I am in a relationship with someone I love, and I will not leave him."

"Alina," said Genya, "are you okay? What's going on?"

Jarl Brum locked eyes with her. "Your little friend is engaged to the prince of Fjerda and she is neglecting her duty to her family. Perhaps you can convince her to do the right thing, before the wrong people get hurt. She is ignoring her grandmothers wishes."

"I don't know anything about a grandmother or a fiancé," Genya said smugly, "Alina is an orphan, who is dating my friend Aleksander, and they're a lovely couple. They're going to be very happy together."

"Your friend has no idea the mess that she has gotten herself into. She needs to be reasonable, and she needs to accept her future. The prince is going to come for her, one way or another. Whether she comes willingly or not."

"That's never going to happen," said Alina, "tell your prince that he can give up now. I will never belong to anyone other than Aleksander Morozova. Ever."

Jarl Brum laughed. "You don't know what kind of enemy you are making, Miss Starkov."

"I know exactly the kind of enemy I'm making," she said. She turned to Genya. "Come on, let's go."

She forced her friend to walk with her to Aleksander, and they didn't stop walking until they reached the football field. Aleksander was there, coming out, and she broke down sobbing. Genya gripped her hand tightly.

"Alina?" she said.

Aleksander looked from Alina to Genya. "What happened?" he demanded.

Genya said, "Someone from Fjerda came and threatened her. He was talking about the prince and saying that she was going to have to marry him."

Alina let go of Genya's hand, and then she wrapped her arms around Aleksander's waist, burying her face into his chest. Aleksander ran his hand over her back. "Come on sweetheart," he said, "I'll take you home. It's okay. I'm here now." 

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