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Aleksander had tried, and failed, to go to classes like a regular person. He wasn't worried about it. His grades were high enough he could afford to miss a few days. But trying to act normal when Alina wasn't talking to him or seeing him was driving him crazy. Instead, he had stayed at home, and drank. Just anything to get his mind off of her and the baby. At the moment, he was in his bed sleeping off a hang over when he heard voices downstairs in his apartment.

"This is where she's staying? Are you sure?" he heard a woman's voice say.

"Of course, I'm sure. Vasily told me everything. Foolish boy thinks that he's protecting her. He doesn't know, of course that my sister and me weren't on speaking terms towards the end. I wasn't about to adopt her wretched offspring when I had my own sons to take care of. I'm just relieved that Baghra's son didn't fail in being as duplicitous as his mother and ruined the girl anyway even though he stopped taking payments."

"It was you that made him ruin her?"

Aleksander got up and got dressed, and then he went into the living room. He was surprised to find Tatiana Lantsov, Vasily and Nikolai's mother, and Alina's aunt, standing there. She was with the woman he recognized from the museum, the one that had been following Alina. Tamar?

"Hello," he said coolly from the second floor, "is there a reason you two are breaking and entering?"

Tatiana Lantsov looked up. She was all blond hair and blue eyes like her oldest son. "Aleksander," she said with a polite smile, "I'm here for Alina's things. Vasily asked me to grab them."

"If Alina wants her things, she can come and grab them herself," said Aleksander, "besides, I heard your conversation earlier. You aren't here for Alina. You are here trying to find whatever her parents are looking for."

Tatiana bristled at his words. "I don't like what you are implying, young Morozova. I am here on behalf of my niece."

"Alright," said Aleksander, "let me just text her and make sure that everything is okay."

He took out his cell phone and he started to text. He saw Tamar go for something in her pocket, and then she was holding a gun pointed at him.

"I wouldn't, Mr. Morozova," said Tamar, "I know all about how much the princess cares about you, but I will not hesitate to kill you if I have to."

Aleksander made a face. "She's not a princess. She's Alina."

"I assure you, Mr. Morozova, Alina Starkov is the legitimate granddaughter of the Queen of Shu Han. Her mother was also a princess of Fjerda. Her blood is as blue as sapphires, and she has a duty she must complete with or without you."

Aleksander glared at Tamar. "I thought you were on her side. I thought you worked for her grandfather. I thought you wanted what was best for her."

"I serve my country, Mr. Morozova And there are some things that even Alina's grandfather can't fix," said Tamar, "If what Miss Starkovs interests are interfering with that, then I will do what is necessary to make sure that those interests align. Shu Han is my home. Now, if you don't want to die, I suggest that you let us search through Alina's things to find what is we need."

"It isn't there," said Aleksander, "whatever you are looking for. I wouldn't let her take anything old. I made her get all new things. She keeps them in our room, in our closet. You can look at them for yourself if you would like."

Tamar and Tatiana exchanged looks, as if they didn't quite believe him. Tatiana made her way up the stairs, and Tamar kept her gun pointed at Aleksander. Aleksander didn't move.

"What changed?" he asked.

Tamar snorted. "You honestly have to ask that?" Tamar said. "You got her pregnant. Even her grandfather isn't happy about that. He didn't want her to marry the prince, but do you think that he wanted to be unwed and pregnant to a commoner?"

"I love her!" Aleksander said. "And Alina wants nothing to do with her family. She's made that perfectly clear."

"There are some things that Alina doesn't get a choice on, Mr. Morozova," said Tamar, "and if it comes down to it, I will do what is best for Shu Han. Always."

Tatiana had been rummaging through Alina's things for quite some time. Finally, she came out, disgruntled. "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Tamar said.

"Nothing," she replied, and she glanced at Aleksander, "although Mr. Morozova does have good taste in clothes. It's all very expensive. I will say that at least Alina doesn't look like a little street urchin anymore."

Aleksander frowned. "She never did."

Tatiana let out a laugh. "I saw her there at that pathetic orphanage that she stayed at. She was a wretch of a girl, and frankly, I am glad that she has no interest in marrying royalty. The poor dear isn't suited for it."

"What about the necklace?" Aleksander said. "You have her the necklace. Nikolai confirmed it. Nikolai made it seem like you wanted her to have it."

Tatiana squinted. "What are you talking about? I never gave her any necklace."

"Nikolai said that you did."

"I've never given the girl anything. I would be careful, Mr. Morozova. It sounds like someone is messing with your head."

Aleksander shook his head. "You're lying."

"I most certainly am not." Tatiana huffed, and then she turned to Tamar. "Come on. Let's leave. There's no point in us staying. There's nothing here for us."

The two of them left. When they were gone, Aleksander pulled out his cell phone and called Nikolai's phone. "Hello?" he heard his friends voice ask.

Aleksander said, "You lied."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" there was a pause. "Is this Aleksander? Are you high?"

Aleksander rolled his eyes. "You know I don't do that shit."

"Okay, then why the hell are you calling accusing me of lying?" Nikolai said.

"The necklace. You told Alina that your mother wanted you to have it. She was just here, demanding to look through Alina's things, and she said that she didn't know anything about a necklace. Vasily's into some dark shit. Are you cleaning up your brothers' problems, Nik? I know that you've done that before."

"I only told her what Vasily told me about the necklace."

"Where did Vasily get the necklace from?"

Nikolai paused. "I don't know."

"Where's Alina right now?"

"With Mal, I think," Nikolai said.

"Did they say here they were going?"



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