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Four days.

Alina stayed away from him for four days. According to Nikolai, who had answered her phone once and told him to stop being a stalker asshole, she was staying between Genya's place and the frat house. At one point, he went there to see her but Vasily was the one that opened the door.

"No," Vasily said flatly when he saw him.

Aleksander took a step forward. "Oh, come on Vasily. She's my girlfriend, and she's pregnant with MY kid."

Vasily stepped forward, his whole frame filling the door. "One, even when I didn't know she was my cousin, I still didn't think you were good enough for her. Two, I still don't think you're good enough for her. THREE she told me not to let Assholorozova in. Her words, not mine. So I'm following my dear, sweet cousins wishes."

Aleksander sighed. "You're a dick."

"I know," he grinned, "it's fun I get to be this way to you again."

Aleksander sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Can you at least tell me if she's alright? The baby too?"

"She's fine," said Vasily, "she goes to class, comes home, and sleeps. She's had some nausea but I don't really know if that's morning sickness or stress or both. Genya told me I should only be seriously concerned if she started listening Red on repeat, which has not happened. Although Alina has also assured me that is more of a Genya coping thing.

"Okay, okay," he said, "just...just tell her I stopped by, will you?"

Vasily rolled his eyes. "I guess I can do that. But I'm not going to make her call you. Alina deserves time to sort things out on her own."

Aleksander scowled. "Right, thank you for being unhelpful, like you always are."

"By the way...Mal's back, and she's been staying in his room. Did you know? Isn't that cozy?"

Aleksander glared. "That doesn't mean anything. Oretsev knows we're together. He knows that she's having my baby, and he wouldn't do anything. They're old friends. Practically like brother and sister. Nothing will happen between them."

"Are you sure?" Vasily said. "Plenty of single parents out there, Aleksander. Just because you're the father of her baby doesn't mean anything. I want what is best for my dear cousin after all."

"I'm what is best for Alina. She's what's best for me, and you don't get a say in any of it. Back off, Vasily, or I'll---"

"Or you'll what, Morozova?" Vasily crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm not the one that has everything to lose right now. You are the one that has everything to lose. So, you are the one that needs to back off." Then, he slammed the door right in his face, and Aleksander had nothing to do but to walk away regretfully. 

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