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There was no one else in the car except for the driver, which relieved Alina. If she had to meet some stranger claiming to be her fiancé today, she might lose it. She was still having nightmares of Aleks being shot, still woke up thinking that she had Aleksander's blood on her. Whatever Fjerda had to say to her, she didn't want to listen. As they drove, Magnus said, "I see you received a Harvest Weekend gift from your aunt. Tatiana is a former Princess of Fjerda, and your mother was one too. You must be curious to know more about where you come from."

"I grew up in Ravka, Mr. Opjer. I was born here. Ravka is my home. Ravka is where I'm from."

"Surely you are curious about your origins?"

Alina glared. "My parents died when I was ten. No one ever reached out, no one ever helped us when we were living in our car for a year, or when my parents were struggling. I don't want anything to do with them, or whatever future was planned out for me."

"The future was planned out by both your mother and your father, so that you would be able to survive if anything happened to them. They were looking into dangerous things, Miss Starkov, and it cost them their life. Surely you can be sensible. Fjerda is offering you a life of luxury. All that we ask of you is that you align Shu Han and Fjerda by marrying Prince Rasmus as your parents wished for you to. You will receive the inheritance left to you if you do, and live a very, comfortable life. Rasmus is eager for the union and would like to arrange a meeting with you."

"No," Alina said firmly.

"I don't think you understand what you are giving up, girl. Or the insult that you would be making. Or the price that your family would pay for the insult."

"My parents were my family. They died, and they didn't tell me about my origins for a reason. And I know it was because they wanted nothing to do with them. If it were that simple, I would have already had a comfortable life. You can threaten me all you want; I have a life of my own. I have survived by myself for a very, very long time and I will continue to do so."

"Fjerda always gets what we want, Miss Starkov. An alliance between the Shu Han and Ravka will be good for the world."

"What about Ravka?" Alina said. "Where does that leave us?"

Magnus shifted in his seat. "Ravka isn't part of our concern, and it shouldn't be part of your concern either."

"I'm from here, of course it is part of my concern."

"You are---" Magnus pressed a hand to his forehead. "Miss Starkov, surely your father talked about his home, and how important it was to him."

"I met my grandfather once. It was on my birthday. We had a lovely day together, and then he left and went back to Shu Han. He saw how we were living, and he did nothing. My dad didn't do anything. Besides which, isn't this in violation of my parents will?"

Magnus smiled. "Fjerda is not part of your parents will, Miss Starkov. I've seen the will myself. It specifies that neither the Lantsovs or your fathers family can have contact with you until after college. It does not say anything about your fiancé sending a messenger to speak with you. Besides which, the necklace on your neck, and that you are in school with both of your cousins already violate the will. If pressed, Fjerda could argue that----"

"Fine," Alina said, "fine, I won't argue with you about logistics. What's the worst thing that happens if I don't meet with this Prince guy?"

Magnus took out a file from a briefcase that was sitting right next to him. There was a file there, and inside there were pictures of Aleksander. Pictures of Aleksander on the day that he was shot. "I believe you know exactly what happens, Miss Starkov. Now, we can make the meeting so it doesn't interfere with your schooling. But the Prince is very keen to make this alliance happen, and believes he can change your mind if the two of you were to meet."

"After December," Alina said, "and not anytime before."

"Alright, what about January 5th?" Magnus asked.

"I suppose that would work."

"Good. I will contact you with the details."

"Do you need my information?" Alina said.

Magnus chuckled. "We have all of your information, Miss Starkov."

They had driven around in a circle, and they pulled up in a building where her next class was. Alina got out, and then she watched the car pull away, her stomach churning the whole time. 

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