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If anyone was surprised that the two of them ended up at the wedding together, no one said a word. Not even Zoya, although it might about been Alina's imagination, but she did wink and give her a little half smile. Except, Alina knew Zoya well, and that she wasn't the smiling type, so she was quite convinced that it was the champagne that had made her see that. The wedding was lovely. Mal cried, and Nadia laughed that the big, bad underground fighter turned ambassador for the Shu Han was crying.

When it came time for dancing, Alina and Mal shared a "best friends dance" which Nadia had come up with. "So," said Mal as they twirled around the dance floor, "I heard a rumor my cousin snuck out of your room this morning."

Alina rolled her eyes. "You heard a rumor. You mean Zoya told you."

Mal smirked. "Hey, we have no secrets."

"Then you knew that she was blackmailing us and working for Baghra?"

Mal's eyes widened. "Er, no. I didn't know that. But most other things we share, because we're a pair of gossiping old hens. Also, Genya let out a squeal so loud that I think it might have broke my ear drums when Zoya told us."

Alina blushed. "He found out the truth about Baghra, he quite working for her, and now he wants the two of us to be together."

"Is that what you want?" Mal asked.

Alina nodded. "That is what I want. I've always wanted him. I fought it for a long time, but once we were together, I don't think that there was any going back."

"Well, I'm happy for you, Lina. I'm sorry..."

"Sorry about?"

"I'm sorry I jerked you along for so long. I shouldn't have made it seem like you had a chance. I're my family, Alina. I didn't like the idea of anyone else having you if I couldn't."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I am dating your cousin now. Keeping it all in the---"

Mal winced and placed a finger on her lips. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. I'm happy that you are together, and Aleksander won't be a sad sack anymore but the whole thing is still weird to me. And I still want to punch him every time the two of you look at each other with bedroom eyes just because your my best friend."

Alina chuckled. "I think we're going to be okay, is my point. I'm not going to be alone now."

"I'm glad," said Mal, "to be completely honest, Nadia kept on saying we should take you with you on the honeymoon to keep you from being sad and alone. And I love you Starkov, but I don't love you that much."

Alina laughed. "You have married a good one, Mal. She's definitely way too good for you though, I will say that."

He shrugged. "Saints help her, she loves me anyway, and for that I am grateful."

"We didn't do too bad for the orphans from Keramzin, did we?" Alina said.

"No, we didn't." He smiled at her. "But I think I've got to let you go."

"What are you talking about?" Alina asked.

"Well, I'm being glared at by a tall, dark stranger standing behind you who looks like an overgrown bat prince."

"Charming as always, Oretsev," said Aleksander, "now will you do me a favor and let me dance with my girl? I've waited years to do this, after all."

Mal chuckled. "She's all yours, Morozova."

Aleksander took Alina by the hand and the two of them started to sway to a slow song together. "I don't think we've ever danced before," Alina whispered to him.

"I don't think we've ever danced before, either," said Aleksander, "but we've got a whole lifetime together now, sweetheart. We'll dance a million dances together. I promise you."

"That's a lot of dancing. Our feet might get tired."

"Then I'll carry you, and I'll just sway with you in my arms. I don't care. As long as you are with me."

"Same here," Alina said, "same here."


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