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{Thomas pov}

I just got off the phone with leo when i hear foot steps behind me..

'oh hi.. you're awake'

'Yeah.. i am sorry.. i uhh..'

'Charlot.. don't worry.. that's you're name right??'

'Yeah.. uhh can i uhh i mean uhh if you want to uhh..'

'i'll make us some breakfast okay??'

'Y-yeah... s-sure..'

'Don't be shy babe.... I mean i have to say you're really pretty..'

'th-thank you..'

She say while she blushes my godd.. this girl is cute.. I mean her eyes.. her perfect body... i mean.. Maybee she has a boyfriend maybe not??? I don't know..

'Soo uhm are you comming??'


She says while she walks behind me in her clothes from yesterday

'uhh charlot??'

'Uhh what??'

She says while we are down stair and she walks towards the living room

'Uhhm..what do you like for breakfast?'

Whyy i am i asking her this... ughh i hate itt when i am nervous.. and especially around this beautiful girl.

'Uhh i like pancakes.. uhh also eggs...'

'Okay.. uhh shall i make pancakes then??..'



I say while walking towards the kitchen while i am freaking out.. my godd she is soo pretty.. and hot.. ughh i wanna f*ck.. her..... woahh.. thomas.. she is a friend of leo's.. control yourself...

'need some help??'

'Yeah uh sure...'

I say a bit nervous..

'Uhh thomas don't be shy.. i don't bite..'

She says while she walks into the kitchen

'Haha.. i know.. bu-but... you're so pretty..'

Oh ny god.. ughh i hate beging nervous..ughh she must think i am a crazy person...

'Oh uhh.. thank you...'

Wait is she blushing?????

'Soo uhmm shall we make the pancakes then??'


*After breakfast*

{charlot's pov}

'ohh you're in a band..'

'Yeah... leo told you i think??'

'Yeah sometimes he mentiont something yeah but not that much..'

'Yeah. We alos won eurovison..'

'Yeah leo told me that.. yeah.. that must've been crazy..'

'It was.. but also so cool to win..as well'

'Yeah.. but the band's called måneskin right??'


'Okay okay... but uhh do you have a ??'

'What?? Me a girlfriend no.. no... and you?'

'Uhh nope single as a pringle haha..'

'Hahaa pringle..'

I say while laughing and looking into his beutiful green eyes

'haha... but uhmm i shoud uhhm go.. i have to study as well so..'

'Ohh yeah leo told me.. you're going to be here for you're study'

'Yes excactlly...'

'What are you??..'

'Just uhh.. just normal school stuff.. but also uhm i am going to have an internship at a reustarant because i wanna start my own restaurnt someday..'

'ohh big dreams..'

'Yeah haha..'

'Now uhmm can i see you again?? Maybe..'

'Y-yeah maybe yeah..'

She says while she stands up and walking towards the hallway

'Okay okay..'

*and she leaves*


Alrightt the next onee 😘 soo uhm enjoy! And see youu🤟🏻⚡️🖤 alsoo i am really trying to write both of my stories soo i am doing best! And also uhh😅😅 sorry if the parts are too short😅 but yeah i'll try to make them longer somehow soo yeah 😊 byee 🙋🏻‍♀️

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