26.{Christmas❤️✨🎄} p1.

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{Charlot's pov}

It's the first day of christmas and we are at the må house with everyone and it's so fun already and everyone bought presents for eachother so i am very exicted as well About that

'Lottie do you want something to drink??'

'What huh??'

'I said do you want something to drink'

Ethan asked me

'Yeah sure.. just some water please..'


'Babe you can drink alcohol.. it's christmas..'

'No thommy.. i still have that weird feelling in my stomach..'

'What?? I tought you s-..'

'Here is your water..'

'Thank you edgar..'

'Soo what how you guys doin??'

'What? Us ? Yeah great..'

'Oh lottie come on.. i can see that there is something wrong..'

Vic says with a worried face

'Vic there is nothing i-..'

'Lottie can we talk??'

'Damiano... please don't...'

'Kitchen now...'

*in the kitchen*

{Damiano's pov}

'Allright lottie what's up???'

'Hey you're the one who wanted to talk to me.. not the other way around..'

'Ughh okayy... now tell me..'

'There is nothing... i a-..'

'Lottie don't lie to me... leo told me..'

'Leo told you what????'

'Just that y-..'

'Shh!! Not so loud..'

'I wasn't t-...'


Ugghh i hate it when she does this.. i mean her and leo did something a couple of weeks a go.. and i was there because i live with him so.. and before you think i saw something i didn't  well.. almost but that's not the point now....

'Seriouslly charlot how long are you going to deny it?? I mean elena had the righ t kn-..'

'I know!! But...'

'But what???'

'I am not pregnant with his baby..'


'Hey you guys?? Are you done talking??'

Shit thomas

'Yeah yeah... we uh.. nothing... never mind..'


'Nothing honey just uhmm...'

'She might be pregnant again..'


{Thomas pov}

'What??? Babe is that true??'

'Uhhh.. well uhmm.. i ...'

'Is that true???'

'No i mean i don't know uhm.. i still have a weird feelling but i think it's from food or something i don't know...'

a stranger to me.   {christmas story}Where stories live. Discover now