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{charlots pov}

It's a couple of days later and i just started my school .. and it's alot of work but today i have a day off soo i am going on a date.. with thomas.. and i am sooo nervous.. ughh i hate itt..

'You're ready??'

Leo says while comming into my room acutally it's the guest room but now it's mine so haha

'Yeah.. ughh i am so nervous..'

'I know.. i can tell...'


'You're face.. you'r eyes always look bigger when you're nervous..'

'Haha.. very funny leo..'

'Noww are you done??'

He says while i am putting on a last touch of mascara

'Yes.. i am done.. wish me luck leo..'

'Goodluck.. and uh be safe..'


'Haha just kidding.. just kidding..'

*afte sometime* *at thomas his house*

{Thomas pov}

Me and charlot just got home from our amazing date.. and i have to say.. she is way more hotter..and wayy more pretty that i tought she was.. my godd.. i wanna fck her.. okay.. thomas.. control yourself...no sex on the first date...

'Shall we go in??'


'Shall we go inside???'

'Yeah..yeah.. sorry..'

I say while opening the door and we walk both inside


'Sooo.... Now???'

She says while she comes closer to me... oh god.. thomas control yourself co-..yeah too late.. she is kissing me..

'Hm...hm.. babe...'


She say between the kiss

'babe.. are you sure about this??'

I say while pulling back

'Yes.. i am sure..'

'I mean.. we only had one date...'

'I know.. but i just can't resit you...'

She says while she starts kissing me again..


'Shh shut up...'

Says' while she leads me upstairs... oh my god... i am going to the have sex on my frist.. probably... my goodness... she is a great kisser.. godd....

'Hmm... chartlot...'


She says while she pushes me on the bed and undressing me...

'babe.. are you really sure???...'

'Yes..thomas... i want you.. right here..right now...'


*you know what's going to happen*

*the next day*

{Chartlot's pov}

Ughhh.. my head... my goodness.. ughh i have a headace...ughh i hate it when th-... wait??? What happend last night???...

{little flashback}

a stranger to me.   {christmas story}Where stories live. Discover now