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{Charlot's pov}

The evening has fallen over rome and i am super tierd... we just came back from the doctor and i am on bed rest now... so that sucks... but Elena is comming over today i missed her soo yeah

'Mi amore??..'

'Is it okay that vic comes over tonight??'

'Yeah for sure my love.. i mean Elena is comming over as well so we could have some drinks together i mean you can i can't so..'

'I know baby.. but it's no too long now...'

'I know thommy... can you come lay next to me ??'

'Yeah ofcourse baby..'

*and he lays next to her..*

I am cold..'

'You're cold??...'

'Yeah... can you hug me...'

'Yeah yeah..'

He says while he wraps his arms around me..



'Are you happy??...'

'I am happy thomas.. with you.. with alessandro with our other little one...'

'Aww babee...'


*time skip* *8Pm*

{Vic's pov}

We just had dinner  and charlot had been very Quiet all night long.. i mean i can feel that there is something going on... i mean.. she is one of my friends soo.. and i kinda have fallin in love with her but she doesn't know it...



'can we talk in private??..'

'Yeah sure vic uhm.. shall we go upstairs??..'

'Uhm sure..'


{Vic's pov}

'Sooo vic what do you want to talk about???'

'uhm lottie i see that there is something wrong what is it???'

'Vic.. there is nothing..'

My goodness she always does this..over and over again...ughhh! It's soo annoyingg sometimes

'lottie you can tell me..'

'Vic.. i think that... i should've mar-...'


Shit thomas...

'baby..elena just left she was very upset again so..'

'What why????'

'Leo texted her.. and she just got upset and left'

'Omg.. uhm i should call her...'

'Yeay yeah.. ofcourse baby...'

*and he leaves*

'Vic can we talk about this later???'

'Sure lottie uhm can i??'

'Stay??ofcourse you can!we can watch a movie later!... but now i am going to call elena first...'

'Sure lottie'

*and she leaves too*

{Charlot's pov}

Omgg.. whyy i elena picking up...ughhhh!!  I tried to call her many many times now and she still isn't anwesering... ughhh


'Oh my jezus!! El why weren't you picking up???'

'I was just..'

'Upset i know el but why??? Because leo texted you??'

'Yeah.. he wanted to talk so i came over to his house and we talked but after that he tried to kiss me.. and i didn't want that because i don't wanna be together..  with him anymore..'

'el i get that but did you tell him that??'


'then what did you do???'

'I uhmm just left..'

'El!! You have to call him!'


'El!! Come on you have to !!'

'Alright alright..'

'Good..now i am going to hang up because we are going to watch a movie...'

'Okay.. have fun lottie..'

'Thank you el.. byeee..'


*and she hangs up*


*after some time*  *downs stairs*

{Vic's pov}

Me and charlot are still watching a movie a horror.. and thomas is already upstairs because he was tired  soo now me and charlot are alone... and i am a bit nervous because i wanna tell her that i am in love with her but i haven't find a good moment.. soo...  i mean she is so pretty .. my heart just melts when i look at her...



'Uhm lottie i uh need to tell you something..  And i don't know how...'

'Vic you can tell me everything'

'Lottie if i tell you this.. don't be mad at me...'

'Ofcourse not vic..'

She says while she takes my hand  omgg she is so soft and perfect ughh!!

'Lottie i know we've been friends for a while and i uhmm...'

'Vic stop shaking.. just tell me..het look at me..'

'Lottie i....'


Shiit thomas...

'Yes my love'

She says..while i am trying not to stress

'Are you comming upstairs??..'

'Yea yea.. i am comming just uhm vic wanted to tell me something..'


*and he goes back upstairs*

{Charlot's pov}

'Now vic please tell me...'

'Lottie i am in l-...'


'Lottie i am in love with you....'

Omg.. one of my best friends is in love with me????..omg.. i never.. omg.. i ... omgg....  I mean she is pretty and super sexy..but..omggg.. i am i??? Omgshh....

'lottie just say something please..'





*silence again*

'Charlot please say something before i-...'



Hehehe sorryy😅😂 allrightt another chapter! Soo uh enjoy! And see youuu 😘😘😘😘

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