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{Charlots pov} *i know,i know*

It's day later and school has started again so right now i am in front iof my laptop video calling with my teacher when leo come into my room

'Lottiee i am going to the må house wanna come??'

'Uh leo i am actually in a video call, but uhm yeah i wanna come yeah..'

'Okay see you down stairs.. i'll leave in a couple of hours okay??'

'Yeah that's fine..'


~a while later~ *At the må house*

{Thomas pov}

'Heyy!.. babe!...'

I say while kissing charlot..

'Hey... i missed you..'

She says  while taking me into her arms

'I missed you to... amore...'

'Aww..  you said amore.. cute..'

'Yeah uhmm lottie can i get in to??'

'Oh yeah sorry leo..'

She says while getting out of the way..

'Thank you.. now i am going to watch a movie i don't know what you want lottie???'

'Uhh.. yeah we can watch a movie..'

'Did someone say movie??'

'Oh hi dami..'

Charlot says while sitting next to on the couch..

'Oh hey..'

I say a bit anyoied... lately charlot has been very in touch with damiano and i hate itt.. because he is always so nice to her and they laugh all the time ughh i mean he is my best friend but chatlot is mine.. i mean does that sound jealous??? Well i think i am jealous but that's just because we just started dating and i  don't want her to go to one of my best friends like that would be wrong



'I don't like this movie that much shall we go upstairs???..'

'Yeah okay...'

I say while standing up from the couch and taking her hand..

'Be safe lottie..'


We both say.. at the same time

'Haha just kidding lottie juust kidding..'

*up stairs*

{Chartlots pov}

'Soo why didn't you like the movie??'

Thomas says while sitting next to me on the bed

'uh i just didn't..'

I say while comming closer to him and leaning into kiss him..

'What are you doing??...'

'Uh i wanna kiss you?...'


'Thommy i know last time was a bit to early but.. i really like you.. i mean i feel safe when i am around you.. i'v never felt like this before.. i mean..'

'aw... Baby...  i feel the same about you..'

He says with a red face..


'But.. did you?... i mean last time.??...'

'Yeah.. i liked it.. i mean.. it was amazing...thommy'

'While leaning into kiss him.. and he grabs my hips..

'i love you...'

'I love you thommy...'

' say  while we fall on the bed and he pulls me closer while i laugh between the kiss

'what are you laughing??..babe'

'Haha... it's just.. i don't know i really like you thomas..'

'Aww...baby... how many times are you going to tell me that??'

'Uhh alot of times.. i think there is more times to come haha..'

'Haha funny..'

'No i am deadly serious haha..'

'Haha i bet..'

He says while grabbing my hips agian, he starts kissing me again...

'Hm.. thommy...'


While i feel his hands going under my sweater

'Uh.. thomas..'

I say while pulling back

'Did i do something wrong??'

'No.. it's just that i don't want to..'

'Have sex i knod but you're so beatiful.. i just wanna feel you're body right next to mine..'

'Me to but...'

'But what honey??..'

'Can we just.. cuddle maybe.?? I mean you can take off my sweater.. but no sex..'

'That's allright baby.. i mean if you don't want it then i can stop...'


'I love you..'

'I love you to...


Omggg cute🥺🙊 okayy enjoy! And see youu next time also sorry that i didn't write yesterday but i was really tired soo i am sorry about that  :/ but now i'll update again soo byeee🙋🏻‍♀️🥰

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